
Some of the students left the classroom before the bell rang.  My teacher said, "Woahh, hold your horses."

Please wait, hold on.


As he took off his helmet and heavy suit, he took a breath of fresh air. He needed to clear his lungs of smoke. It was a rough day but he was so proud of what his ladder company accomplished.

Fire fighter


My mom gave me a hug and said, "You are the apple of my eye."

I adore you, I love you


I’m the middle child. I usually feel relieved when I get half my stuff done, but I worry about getting the other half done on time before I can go hang out with my friends. Sometimes, I go to fun church events, but not always. And sometimes, the principal lets us out of school early! I like that because I can go home and get my homework done and still have time to play before dinner.



I’m usually everyone’s second favorite. People always invite me to church with them. I also love having my whole family over for dinner after a long work week. Sometimes I get sad when I think about having to wake up early the next morning, but I enjoy my last day of freedom and use it to get things done. Sometimes I have to work really hard to finish everything on time because I put it off until the last minute, but I get excited about seeing everyone at school the next day.


My teacher told us that she cancelled the test next week.  That is the cat's meow!

That is wonderful!


She loved the feeling of being weightless. As she looked out the small window to her home far away, she wondered if her family was eating better-tasting food than her freeze-dried ice cream.



Zach was caught smoking a cigarette in the bathroom.  He is a bad egg. 

He is a bad person. 


I love my life! I’ve got all the hard work out of the way already and can look forward to all the fun things I’m going to do with my friends and family while I’m home. I can’t wait to spend the next two days at home! I’m going to miss my teacher and my friends at school, but I’ll see them again very soon.



My Grandma said that she would babysit for anyone at the drop of a hat. 

Without any notice.

I am planning a surprise party for my mom.  My sister told me to make sure I don't let the cat out of the bag. 

Don't tell the secret


She tried to shake off her nerves. This was the big moment. She waited 4 long years to get to this event. She smoothed out her leotard and put chalk on her hands. She hoped to nail that landing!



After I left my yoga class, I felt cool as a cucumber.

I felt very relaxed and calm


I hate mornings. It’s always hard for me to get up early. I was just getting used to relaxing and having fun, and then morning rolls around and ruins everything. I hope I remembered to get everything done while I was home! On the bright side, I get to see my friends and teacher at school!



Everyone always ignores me. I’m not that bad! I’m definitely not as bad as some others, but everyone always forgets about me. They just go through the motions of the like a robot. They usually aren’t as sad when they’re with me, but I know I’m not their favorite. I usually get back into the groove of being school and start to realize how much I missed it.



I forgot to turn in an assignment so I have opened a can of worms. 

Create a problem


It was time to do it again. The layering of makeup, the wig, and the outfit. He was not looking forward to squeezing into that little car again, if only he could think of a new routine to keep the audience laughing.



I studied all night for my finals and they were a piece of cake. 

This is easy


I am so popular! Everyone loves me because I’m so fun! I love going shopping at the mall with my friends and going to the movies. Everyone always tells me that I’m their favorite. They always look forward to seeing me. However, I’m a bit of a procrastinator. I don’t worry about getting anything done because I know I have one more day to do it.



There were so many people at the concert, it felt like the place was going to burst at the seams.

It was crowded. 


I am so excited to go to the amusement park on Saturday that it is like I have ants in my pants. 

I am so excited, I can't sit still


The kids were driving me crazy today. Their lack of attention and constant shouting made learning difficult. They must have known it was the last day before break. The kids were driving me crazy today. Their lack of attention and constant shouting made learning difficult. They must have known it was the last day before break.



I accidentally broke a mug and my mom told me, "Don't cry over spilled milk."

Don't worry about the small things.


I’m kind of anxious. I get excited about what’s in the near future, but I know I have one more day to get all my stuff done. However, by now, I’ve gotten used to working hard and realize I actually like everything about school. I almost get sad when I realize that I only have one more day with my school friends and my teacher.



My teacher gave me a riddle to solve, I need to put on my thinking cap. 

I need to think about it.