Java Script is weird
yes I'm a NERD
Um, Actually (d&d rule lawyering)
d&d spell list
lock picking lawyer




[hacking] the server protocol defend against a DDOS attack so the hacker used sql injection.

the server defend against a DDOS attack so the hacker used sql injection


Gauzak the barbarian rushed into the combat, using his dodge reaction to avoid opportunity attack

2 mistakes

you cant use the dodge reaction on your turn
disengage is to avoid opportunity attacks


name 3 spells that deals fire damage

create bonfire, fire bolt, green-flame blade, produce flame, burning hands, chaos bolt, chromatic orb, hellish rebuke, searing smite, aganazzar's scorcher, dragon's breath, flame blade, flaming sphere, heat metal, scorching ray, web, ashardalon's stride, elemental weapon, fireball, flame arrows, glyph of warding, minute meteors, elemental bane, fire shield, wall of fire, flame strike, immolation, investiture of flames, delayed blast fireball, fire storm, prismatic spray, illusory dragon, incendiary cloud, meteor swarm, prismatic wall


how much time does it take for LPL to open a master lock

0 seconds





[blender] bake the UV texture and apply the Filmic filter

bake the UV texture and apply the Filmic view transform


Horbar the rogue failed his saving throw against the blinded effect, granting him disadvantage. So Horbar entered flanking position with Shon the fighter. Giving him advantage so he can use his sneak attack bonus.

2 mistakes

you cant flank while blinded
disadvantage and advantage cancel out


name the 8 schools of magic

abjuration, conjuration, divination, evocation, enchantment, illusion, transmutation, necromancy


what 2 tools do you need to open a (regular) lock

hook and tension tool (wrench)


typeof NaN



[coding] instantiate a new class from the abstract class using the factory design template

inherit a new class from the abstract class using the factory design template


Barmong the wizard cast Haste on Elbratha the fighter. Then, using his bonus action he cast healing word using his last first level spell slot on himself, healing 10 hp.

3 mistakes

healing word is not a wizard spell
you can't cast 2 leveled spell at the same turn
healing word heals d4+int mod


which of the following spells are in the wizard spell list:
Heat metal, call lightning, command, stoneskin, commune, fire storm



how long is LPL's johnson?

18 inch


('b' + 'a' + + 'a' + 'a').toLowerCase()



[magic the gathering] cast counterspell on your damnation. because I can't pay 2 for rhystic study you can draw a card.

cast counterspell on your damnation. because I can't pay the one for rhystic study you can draw a card.


Calliope the elvish sorcerer use benign transposition to cast invisibility on Una the gnome rogue before drinking a potion.

3 mistakes

benign transposition is a wizard ability
benign transposition is an action
casting and drinking a potion are both actions


how many spell have "magic" in their names



what is a spool pin?

a security pin that the radius of the pin is smaller in some points of the pin



"[object Object]"


[math] the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem state that the limit of f(x) divided by g(x) when x approach c is equivalent to f'(x) divided by g'(x) when x approach c

the L'Hôpital's rule state that the limit of f(x) divided by g(x) when x approach c is equivalent to f'(x) divided by g'(x) when x approach c


During a fight with a Pit Fiend, Omerek the dwarvish cleric used a second level spell slot to cast fireball. Using his nat 20 he killed the Fiend

4 mistakes

fireball is 3rd level spell
fireball is not a cleric spell
fireball is a saving throw spell
pit fiend are immune to fire


sort the following spells by range:
calm emotions, magic missile, magnificent mansion, project image, purify food and drink, sending

spare the dying, purify food and drink, calm emotions, magic missile, magnificent mansion, project image, sending


whats a lishi tool?

a 2-in-1 wranch and hook with depth reader to decode the key