The soldier decided to desert (A) his tasty dessert in the desert (B).
desert (B)
The soldier decided to desert (A) his tasty dessert in the desert (B).
What is the definition of desert (A)?
abandon, leave
Re-write the sentences without contractions.
How’s it going? _______________ it going?
How is it going?
Which word matches with: Afraid?
Mad, feeling good, scared, calm, nervous
From the video What is Fear, what is a phobia?
a specific fear that usually causes physical distress
Since there is no time like the present (A) he thought it was time to present (B) the present to his girlfriend.
present (B)
The soldier decided to desert (A) his tasty dessert in the desert (B).
What is the definition of desert (B)?
a big, dry area, with no rain
Re-write the sentences without contractions.
I’m studying. _______________ studying.
I am studying.
Which word matches with: Relaxed?
Mad, feeling good, scared, calm, nervous
From the video What is Fear, what does flight or fight mean?
when we are afraid of something and decide to either run away or confront our fears
A bass (A) was painted on the head of the bass (B) drum.
bass (A)
Since there is no time like the present (A) he thought it was time to present (B) the present to his girlfriend.
What is the definition of present (A)?
this moment in time
Re-write the sentences without contractions.
You’re working hard. _______________ working hard.
You are working hard.
Which word matches with: Worried?
Mad, feeling good, scared, calm, nervous
From the video What is Fear, what does this quote mean: “Fear will limit your abilities to accomplish your goals”?
This means that if we always run away from our fears we will not be able to accomplish our goals. Some things we have to confront and get past, in order to accomplish higher goals.
When shot at the dove (A) dove (B) into the bushes.
dove (B)
Since there is no time like the present (A) he thought it was time to present (B) the present to his girlfriend.
What is the definition of present (B)?
to give/to show
Re-write the sentences without contractions.
What’s up? _______________ up?
What is up?
Which word matches with: Angry?
Mad, feeling good, scared, calm, nervous
From the video How to Read Body Language, the man in the video says that we mostly communicate through nonverbals. What are nonverbals?
everything we do to communicate without speaking (i.e. gestures, facial expressions)
I did not object (A) to the object (B) which he showed me.
object (A)
A bass (A) was painted on the head of the bass (B) drum.
What is the definition of bass (A)?
a kind of fish
Re-write the sentences without contractions.
Let’s get coffee. _______________ get coffee.
Let us get coffee.
Which word matches with: Happy?
Mad, feeling good, scared, calm, nervous
From the video How to Read Body Language, what is a poker face?
a blank face, showing no emotions
Tell me how you feel and why.
If you miss the bus in the morning and are late to class.
I feel frustrated because my alarm didn't go off so I left late.
A bass (A) was painted on the head of the bass (B) drum.
What is the definition of bass (B)?
a musical instrument
Complete the sentence to make them yes/no questions.
_________________________ (you/study) English for your job?
Are you studying English for your job?
From the reading "What are you afraid of" what is fear?
a strong nervous feeling that we feel when something bad happens or we think something bad happens
From the video How to Read Body Language, what does it mean to use self-soothers?
doing something to make yourself feel better when you are nervous
When shot at the dove (A) dove (B) into the bushes.
What is the definition of dove (A)?
a kind of bird
Complete the sentence to make them yes/no questions.
_________________________ (our classmate/wear) a sweater?
Is our classmate wearing a sweater?
Is he/she wearing a sweater?
From the reading "What are you afraid of" what was the difference between the first paragraph and the second paragraph?
The first paragraph talked about fearing things that were actually dangerous (i.e. driving too fast).
The second paragraph talked about fearing things that are not dangerous (i.e. talking in front of people).
When shot at the dove (A) dove (B) into the bushes.
What is the definition of dove (B)?
to plunge, fall down through the air
Complete the sentence to make them yes/no questions.
_________________________ (your English/improve)?
Is your English improving?
True or False
Some people aren’t afraid of anything.
I did not object (A) to the object (B) which he showed me.
What is the definition of object (A)?
to oppose/disagree
Complete the sentence to make them yes/no questions.
_________________________ (people/travel) more nowadays?
Are people traveling more nowadays?
True or False
Fear is always bad.
I did not object (A) to the object (B) which he showed me.
What is the definition of object (B)?
a thing
Complete the sentence to make them yes/no questions.
_________________________ (our teacher/smile)?
Is our teacher smiling?
Is she smiling?
True or False
You can change how you feel about fear.
Should contractions be used in academic writing? Why?
No, contractions should not be used in academic writing because it does not sound professional. Contractions are used in relaxed speech and writing between friends/family.