Which skills should children learn at school? Are there any skills which they should learn at home? What are they?

Schools should focus on providing a solid foundation in core academic subjects like math, science, and language arts, as well as fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, schools can play a vital role in teaching essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and time management.

At home, parents can complement the school's efforts by instilling values like empathy, responsibility, and resilience. They can also help children develop practical life skills like cooking, basic financial management, and home maintenance, which may not be explicitly taught in the classroom.

Do you think it's suitable to give money as a gift?

Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, money is undeniably practical and gives the recipient complete freedom of choice. This can be great for occasions like graduations or when you're unsure what someone might like. On the other hand, some people find it impersonal, lacking the thoughtfulness of a carefully chosen present.  So, I'd say it depends on the situation and the relationship with the person.


What do you think the consequences of global warming will be?

Global warming is a serious hazard with many repercussions for the environment. 

The first negative impact of global warming is melting ice. The heat, caused by excessive greenhouse gases, is melting glaciers at an unprecedented speed, and this could threaten wildlife populations in the artic. For example, polar bears depend on the ice to hunt seals and rest between hunts. Without the ice, these bears would be in great danger. 

Another severe implication is the prospect of sea level rising. This will have many terrible effects on the human populations living near coastal areas. Roads, railways, farmland, and sanitation systems will be destroyed, and millions of people will lose their homes and livelihoods.


What should parents do if children are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions?

In my opinion, there are a number of steps that parents could take to instill a strong sense of responsibility in teenagers.

First,  it is important for parents to establish clear boundaries, which means they should make clear ground rules and uphold them firmly . This way, their children would know that when they break the rules, they would face the consequences. 

What are your best childhood memories?

Some of my best childhood memories revolve around simple yet meaningful experiences

spent with family and friends. One cherished memory is of family vacations spent at the

beach, building sandcastles, splashing in the waves, and watching colorful sunsets together.

Another favorite memory is of playing hide-and-seek with neighborhood friends until dusk,

reveling in the thrill of discovery and camaraderie. Additionally, I treasure memories of

family gatherings, holiday celebrations, and shared meals filled with laughter and storytelling.

These memories hold a special place in my heart and serve as reminders of the joy and magic

of childhood.


Do you think schools and universities prepare young people well for future employment?

While schools and universities provide a strong foundation in theoretical knowledge, there is often a gap between academia and the practical skills demanded by the workforce. Many employers feel that graduates lack crucial soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.  Therefore, while educational institutions do a good job in some areas, there is definitely room for improvement in preparing young people for the specific challenges of the modern workplace.


Do you think it’s a good idea for people who are doing business with each other to exchange gifts?

Yes, exchanging gifts in business can be beneficial, but it needs to be done thoughtfully. It can strengthen relationships and show appreciation, but it's important to avoid any perception of bribery and ensure gifts are appropriate and ethical.

(In some cultures, gift-giving is an integral part of business etiquette. It is important to be aware of these cultural norms and expectations to avoid any misunderstandings or offense.)


What examples are there of how we damage the natural world?

  • Human activities pose serious threats to the environment. 

  • Plastic pollution in the worlds’ oceans is the first cause for concern. Humans consume a large amount of plastic, and a lot of it could enter rivers and seas. This plastic waste is threatening the lives of millions of marine animals. They are becoming sick and dying.

  • Another detrimental effect that human activities have on nature is the rapid extinction of many species due to poaching and deforestation. The loss of many keystone species spell disaster for the delicate balance of many ecosystems. 


What should parents do when children tell lies?

  • In my opinion, there are a few actions that parents should take.

  • First, it’s important for parents to calmly explain to children why lying is wrong. For example, when a child lies about being sick to get more attention, parents should patiently explain to him/her how his/her lies make others worried and what might happen when he is really sick and needs help in the future. This way, he would be able to understand problems the lie may cause. 

Another effective way to deal with children lying would be to use consequences, especially when the situation gets out of hand. For instance, this could be done by assigning age-appropriate chores to children or taking away privileges from them. This may help/enable them to understand the idea that actions have consequences and hopefully deter them from lying.


Do you think law and order are important?

Yes, I believe law and order are crucial pillars of a functioning society. They provide the

framework for ensuring safety, justice, and the protection of individual rights. Without law

and order, there would be chaos and uncertainty, making it difficult for people to coexist

peacefully and thrive. Laws establish guidelines for acceptable behavior and consequences for

those who violate them, thereby promoting accountability and maintaining social stability. By

upholding law and order, communities can create environments where people feel secure and

can pursue their goals and aspirations without fear of harm or injustice.


Are skills in the past more difficult to learn than today’s skills?

It's difficult to say definitively whether skills in the past were more difficult. Some traditional crafts or trades required immense physical dexterity and years of apprenticeship, which could be challenging. On the other hand, many modern skills like programming or digital marketing demand a deep understanding of complex concepts and technologies, which presents its own difficulties. Perhaps the nature of the challenge has simply shifted rather than the overall level of difficulty.


Do you think practical gifts are always more suitable than non-practical ones?

Not necessarily. While practical gifts can be useful and appreciated, non-practical gifts can also have their place in business relationships.

  • Practical Gifts: Items like branded merchandise, office supplies, or gift cards can be seen as thoughtful and useful. They demonstrate that you've considered the recipient's needs and can be a subtle way to promote your brand.
  • Non-Practical Gifts: More personal or unique gifts, like artwork, local delicacies, or experiences, can leave a lasting impression and create a more memorable connection. They show that you've put thought and effort into choosing something special.

What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?

Human activities have impacted wildlife in many ways. Our effort to feed the ever increasing population has resulted in uncontrolled deforestation which strips animals of their habitats, driving millions of species to extinction. 

We also cause changes to the environment that negatively affect wildlife. Global warming, which is triggered by our excessive energy consumption, is endangering polar species which rely on the rapidly melting glaciers for survival. And let’s not forget about the large number of marine creatures choked to death by the mountains of plastic items floating around the world’s oceans. Humans are undoubtedly the greatest threat to wildlife!


In your view, should children be taught to help others?

Well I think it’s particularly important to foster helpful behaviours in children.

Personally speaking, teaching helpfulness to young children is just as important as teaching them independence. 

In fact, this is one of the core values that people should have in order to live a life of significance. In other words, helping people in need strengthens our social relationships and adds meaning to our lives.

That said, parents should not force their children to help others all the time because they may be taken advantage of in the future. 


Is there any law you think is too strict? (Why?/Why not?)


some laws may seem overly stringent or restrictive on the surface, they may serve valid

purposes such as protecting public safety, preserving social order, or safeguarding individual

rights. However, there are instances where certain laws may disproportionately infringe upon

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personal freedoms or lead to unintended consequences, prompting calls for reassessment or

reform. In such cases, it's essential to engage in constructive dialogue and evaluation to ensure

that laws strike an appropriate balance between maintaining order and respecting individual

liberties. Ultimately, the effectiveness and fairness of laws depend on factors such as their

enforcement, application, and adaptability to evolving societal needs and values


What do you think is the most important practical skill? Why?

In my opinion, the most important practical skill is problem-solving.  We encounter challenges every day, both big and small, and the ability to analyze situations, think critically, and find effective solutions is invaluable. This skill not only helps us navigate personal obstacles but also makes us adaptable in the workplace and valuable contributors to society.


Do you think product instructions are helpful?

Absolutely, I believe product instructions are immensely helpful. They bridge the gap between a user's understanding and the product's functionality, ensuring safe and effective use. Clear instructions can prevent frustration, save time, and even avoid potential hazards. In today's world of complex technology and diverse products, instructions serve as a vital guide for consumers.


What do you consider to be the world’s worst environmental disaster caused by humans?

Human activities have damaged the environment tremendously. The most serious issue for me is the rise in sea level caused by global warming.  Many coastal areas are likely to become flooded in future, and their inhabitants will have to cope with the negative consequences including the loss of their homes and livelihoods. This in turn will trigger massive immigration and devastating economic malaise. (general state of economic difficulty or stagnation. It implies a period of economic weakness, with symptoms like high unemployment, low business activity, and a lack of growth or progress.)


How can parents encourage children to help others?

Well I think there are a number of ways to teach children to be helpful.

In my opinion, it’s important for adults to model kindness and helpfulness to children. For example, parents should let their children see them offering help to others such as carrying heavy bags for people or sharing household chores among family members. Another effective way to foster this kind of behaviour would be to ask children for help and reward them for their actions. For example, parents can assign age-appropriate chores to children and use kind language to praise them when they complete their task.


What is the biggest challenge in your future?

The biggest challenge in my future is likely to be navigating uncertainties and adapting to

changes in an ever-evolving world. As society, technology, and global dynamics continue to

shift rapidly, I anticipate facing a multitude of challenges related to career, relationships, and

personal fulfillment. Embracing uncertainty and remaining adaptable will be essential in

overcoming these challenges and seizing opportunities for growth and success. Additionally, I

recognize the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, seeking support from others, and

continuously learning and evolving to navigate the complexities of the future effectively.

While the path ahead may be uncertain, I am confident in my ability to face challenges head-

on and emerge stronger and more resilient as a result.


What skills and abilities do people most want to have today? Why?

In today's rapidly changing world, people are increasingly seeking skills that make them adaptable and future-proof.  Technical skills like coding, data analysis, and digital literacy are highly sought after, as they open doors to numerous career opportunities in the technology sector. At the same time, soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence remain crucial for building strong relationships and navigating complex social dynamics, both in personal and professional settings.


What do you usually do when you don't know how to use the things you have bought?

When faced with a product I don't understand, my first instinct is to turn to the instructions. If they're unclear or unavailable, I usually search for online tutorials or videos. The internet has become a vast resource for troubleshooting and learning how to use almost anything. If that fails, I might reach out to customer support or even ask a friend or family member who is more tech-savvy.


In which ways do we respond well to
environmental problems?

We have been putting tremendous pressure on the ecosystem. Fortunately, we are taking initiatives to mitigate the threats. There have been environmental movements all over the world. People are encouraged to cut down on plastic and recycle more. Some governments are working with businesses and non-profit organizations to protect the environment. Examples include massive projects aimed at conserving water and energy, as well as minimizing greenhouse gases.


Do you think that parents should make decision for their children?

I believe parental decision-making should evolve as children grow. In the early years, parents need to make crucial decisions, but as children mature, they should be increasingly involved to develop their decision-making skills and independence. The key is to strike a balance between guidance and allowing children the freedom to make age-appropriate choices.


When you meet someone for the first time, do you know if you like them?

(Why/Why not?)

Forming an immediate judgment about whether I like someone upon

first meeting them is not my usual approach. Instead, I prefer to reserve judgment and allow

the interaction to unfold naturally over time. People are complex individuals with unique

personalities, experiences, and perspectives, and it's unfair to make snap judgments based on

initial impressions alone. Moreover, first impressions can sometimes be misleading, as they

may not fully capture the essence of a person. Therefore, I prefer to engage in meaningful

conversations, observe their behavior, and explore common interests before forming any

conclusions about whether I like them or not. This approach enables me to cultivate genuine

connections based on mutual respect and understanding, rather than superficial judgments.