Outdoor Activities
Social Media

How many sections does IELTS Speaking test have?



Do you like to travel by air?

Certainly! It’s the quickest and most efficient way. I would choose this over a 12+ hour bus or car ride any day! Furthermore, whenever I set foot on (enter; step into) a plane, I tend to feel sleepy and end up drifting off (sleep) for pretty much the entire flight.


What is your favorite gift?

I received lots of gifts from my relatives and friends, among which I show a great preference for the bicycle best. It's a birthday present from my parents when I was ten, and it's rare to have a mountain bike at that time. I used to ride it to school and it makes my life more at ease.


How often do you go outside every week?

It’s not a certain thing though. When I am free of worries about test or homework, I could go outside a lot, such as going shopping or hanging out with my friends. But when I am busy with my studying or test preparation, I could stay at school for weeks.


When did you start using social media?

I couldn't remember very exactly. Probably since I was in Primary school, I started using Wechat to contact with my friends when I got my first iPhone.


How long is the speaking test?

11-14 minutes


Do you want to travel to the space?

Yes, of course! I would be really interested to see what else it out there. I’m not sure if this would happen in my lifetime though. However, I’ve heard that one day we may be able to take trips to space. I think it’s a possibility! The future never ceases (fails) to amaze me.


Do you often give gifts to people?

Yes, I really love giving people gifts as they are always so happy and thankful and it is such a good feeling. Even something small pleases anyone.


Do you spend enough time doing outdoor activities?

I should not say enough. You know, I’m a senior in college, so I have my papers to write, I have the IELTS exam to prepare for, and I love to stay with my classmates for the already-limited time on the campus. So I do not have many chances to take part in outdoor activities this term.


Do you think you spend too much time on social media?

Yes, I do. As many friends around me, I can not live without my phone and every day I would spend more than 5 hours on social media, chatting with my friends, or simply entertain myself watching short videos. 


What kind of question is asked in part 1?

Personal or everyday life questions

such as hobbies, work, study, library, etc


What would you prepare on a trip to the space?

Definitely appropriate astronautical gear, as I’ve seen in pictures. Furthermore, I would like to bring some kind of camera or video to be able to show my friends on earth what I saw. Lastly, I would like to bring some kind of gift from earth just in case I came across (encountered by accident) another life form there.


What was the last gift you received?

A lovely watch, but the sentimental value counts even more. I was very pouched by her thoughtfulness. My girlfriend gave me a watch a few weeks ago because she thought I’d like it. It’s The last gift I received was a birthday present of some kind. I don’t recall exactly.


What's the amount of exercise that modern people do?

A lot of people care about their physical health and would go to fitness centers or do outdoor activities regularly. However, a lot of others also tend to stay at home more and might be too lazy to work out regularly. It’s really bad for their health.


Do your friends use social media?

Of course. Many of my friends use social media, such as Wechat, or Weibo, or little red book. It would be quite uncommon if they don't have Wechat.


What if you over spoke in part 2? 

The examiner will try to stop you.


Where would you like to go to if you travel to space?

The moon or mars! I would say the moon because I’m interested to know what it feels lie to walk on it. I’m also curious if the myth that it’s made out of cheese is accurate. On the other hand, I’ve heard there is water on Mars, suggesting that there could be life there, so I’d be fascinated to investigate that firsthand.


When considering a present to give to someone, how do you select this gift?

It can be pretty tricky trying to find the perfect gift, especially if the recipient is already well-off. You can get clues by listening closely to their needs, and try to guess what they’d like based on their hobbies and interests.


What kind of outdoor activity do you often do?

I usually go hiking and play badminton in the park during my spare time. I think hiking is good for my health and can help me get close to the nature. Playing badminton is good for me to stretch my arms after a whole day’s work or study.


What do people often do on social media?

People can actually do many things on social media. Take Wechat as an example, which is the most popular social media in China. Many young people including me would use this all-in-on app to send messages, make video calls, exchange news and updates, or use it as mobile payment when we eat outside. 


What kind of questions can you face in part 3?

Questions related to part 2 topic, but in more detailed questions and answers(expected).


Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets if you travel to the space?

I would say it’s a luxury more than a necessity for average people. However, I think it’s necessary for scientists to investigate other planets so that we have better research and understanding of what is going on around us. Lastly, it’s good for us humans to realize that Earth isn’t the only planet.


Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like?

Well, I haven't received any gift I dislike, but I do have gifts I pile up for years, such as soft toys, I’m not into soft toys so much as other girls, and I have about twenty toys in various types in stock.


What are the advantages of outdoor activities?

Outdoor activities are good for children. They could help children develop their physical potential and can also teach children teamwork skills through some group activities. Nowadays, children usually need to study a lot. If they can get outside to breathe some fresh air, I believe they can work more effectively.


What are some of the potencial risks social media might cause?

Well, social media is very convenient in a lot of ways, but it can also bring some dangers. For instance, it can cause a leak of personal privacy. Your ID might be revealed online or your phone number can be stolen or sold for other purposes. There is also internet fraud and cheating. People need to be careful when they use social media.