Background, Terminology, and Pages 1-3
Special Considerations, Present Levels, and Transition
Assessments, Goals, and SpEd/Related Services
Educational Placement, PennData, and Leading a Meeting

IEP stands for... 

Individualized Education PROGRAM


True or False: The "Other" special consideration option should ONLY be used when there is very specific medical information about the student to be communicated. 

FALSE - The IEP team should address whether there are any other considerations to take into account when developing an IEP for a student with a disability. For example, the IEP team must address voter registration as required as part of the IEP process for students who turn 18 during the term of this IEP. 


True or False: In section IV of the IEP (Participation in State and Local Assessments), the box that says, "No English proficiency assessment administered because the student is not an English Learner" should be checked for every student who is NOT an English Learner.



List examples of when a school is considered a student's neighborhood school and when it isn't. 

Not neighborhood if student is enrolled in a 

-Regional Classroom
-Center-Based School
-McKinney Vento


What is the current federal special education law? 

IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


True or False: A communication plan is required when a student has Limited English Proficiency. 

FALSE - Consideration of the language needs of all English Learners (Els) receiving special education services must be given “as such needs relate to the student’s IEP.” IEP teams must determine if the issues/ problems the student is experiencing are due to the fact that the student is acquiring a second language or due to a possible disability. When assessing students who are EL s, is it essential to compare the results to other Els with similar backgrounds, years of second language acquisition, and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.


True or False: All students take the ACCESS for ELs assessment. 



True or False:  In section VII B of the IEP (Amount and Type of Special Education Supports); a student could have itinerant emotional support AND supplemental learning support listed.

FALSE - Why? 


Parents have the legal right to remove their child from receiving special education services. What is the best practice and steps for this to happen? 

Teacher should notify Program Officer. Case manager and PO can call parent together to discuss the implications of revoking their IEP. If decided to move forward, PO will send NOREP/Notice for Revocation of Consent. 


True or False: It is necessary to include information about the student's progress toward their measurable annual goals in the Present Levels section. 

TRUE - You need to address their progress on goals in the Present Levels. Academic goals go in academic and behavior goals go in functional. 


What are the legally required components of a measurable annual goal? 

Name - Include student’s first name in the goal.

Performance Criteria
-Criterion level - Indicates the performance level the student must demonstrate.
-Number - Indicate the number of times behavior must be performed at criterion level to reach mastery.
-Evaluation Schedule/ Method - Indicate how frequently the student will be assessed and the method of assessment.

Condition - The condition describes the situation in which the student will perform the behavior.

Clearly Defined Behavior - This portion of a well-written goal specifically describes the target behavior in measurable and observable terms, using action verbs to state what the student will do. Use of vague terms (such as understand, recognize, discover) that cannot be observed directly or counted should not be used.


True or False: Penndata (section VIII) must always completely align with the Amount of Special Education Supports (secton VII B) with regard to the percentages for Itinerant, Supplemental, Full-Time.

False - Why? 


True or False: If a parent/guardian does not attend the IEP team meeting and you call them the next day to go over the document, you should have them sign the "IEP Team/Signatures" page. 

False, because you did not have the entire team when calling. 


True or False: If the LEA is inviting an outside agency to attend the IEP meeting because that agency may be responsible for providing/paying for a portion of the student's transition services/activities, there is NO need to ask the parent for CONSENT prior to inviting. 

FALSE - They must be included on the invite and the parent should understand their involvement. 


True or False: The specially designed instruction, accommodations, and/or modifications needed by the student to work toward the measurable annual goal may be listed with the respective measurable annual goals OR in the Special Education/Related Services/Supplementary Aids and Services/Program Modifications



True or False: A student's time receiving paraprofessional support should be included in the calculation for Amount of Support.

False - Para time does NOT count. Only Special Education TEACHER time does. 


True or False: If the parent participates in the IEP meeting via phone, you can write on the signature page "participated via phone."

True - You do NOT need a signature. 

However, best practice is in person! :) 


If discussing the potential need for a more restrictive environment, should the recommendation be written on the draft of the IEP? 

NO - having that written before the meeting would trigger a "pre-determination." 


What are the typical "supports for school personnel" that we include?

SUPPORTS FOR SCHOOL PERSONNEL - List the staff to receive the supports and the supports needed to implement the student's IEP. 

-Professional Development
-Gen Ed Consultation with Special Ed Teacher(s)
-De-Escalation/Physical Management training (regional classrooms, safety team)


Can a learning support teacher provide any type of support?

YES!!!! We teach ES, AS, MDS, SLD, etc. :)