IEP Basics
Illinois IEP Guidelines
IEP Components
Federal IEP Requirements
IEP Team Members
Transition Services
Accommodations/ Modifications

 This document outlines special education services for students with disabilities.

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


In Illinois, this document must be provided to parents explaining their rights under IDEA.

What is the Procedural Safeguards Notice?


These describe what a student is expected to achieve within a year and must be measurable.

What are annual goals?


Under IDEA, parents must give this before any evaluation or placement is conducted.

What is informed consent?


This person is responsible for managing the IEP process and ensuring services are provided.

Who is the case manager?


This document, often part of the IEP, outlines the steps and services needed for a student’s transition to adult life.

What is the Transition Plan?


Allowing extra time for assignments

What is an example of an accommodation in an IEP?


The federal law that mandates the creation and implementation of IEPs.

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


Illinois requires that transition services be included in the IEP by this age.

What is 14 1/2 years old?


This part of the IEP outlines the student’s current performance levels and needs.

What is the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)?

What is the PLOP?


This federal provision ensures that students with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate public education.

What is FAPE?


These professionals provide input on the student’s abilities and needs from a health perspective.

Who are school nurses?


This type of assessment helps determine a student’s strengths, preferences, and interests for post-school planning.

What is a transition assessment?


Presenting the same material at a lower grade level

What is an example of a modification in an IEP?


The team responsible for developing and reviewing a student’s IEP.

What is the IEP team?


The state agency responsible for overseeing special education services in Illinois.

What is the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)?


These services are designed to help the student benefit from special education, such as speech therapy or counseling.

What are related services?


This is the maximum time allowed under IDEA between the initial referral and the completion of the evaluation process.

What is 60 days?


This member of the IEP team provides expertise on the general education curriculum.

Who is the general education teacher?


Transition services are designed to prepare students for these three main post-school activities.

What are employment, postsecondary education, and independent living?


The IEP team, including teachers, paras, parents, and other specialists

Who is responsible for deciding apporpriate accommodations & modifications? 


In Illinois, the minimum number of days required for a parent to have notice of a conference. 

What is 10 days?


This must be conducted to determine if a student qualifies for special education services in Illinois.

What is a comprehensive evaluation?


This plan is required in the IEP for students whose behavior impedes learning.

What is a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?


The act of removing a student from their usual educational setting for disciplinary reasons for more than 10 days must be reviewed under this federal regulation.

What is a manifestation determination?


This person represents the local education agency and has the authority to allocate resources for the IEP.

Who is the LEA representative?


This law protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment and public accommodations.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


Everyone who works with the student

Who implements a student's accommodations and modifications. 


The IEP must be reviewed and updated at least this often.

What is annually?


 Illinois law requires this document be included in the IEP for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

What is the Alternative Learning Standards (ALS) or Essential Elements?


This section of the IEP explains how the student will be included in general education classes and activities.

What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?


This is what is entered into when there is a disagreement of FAPE between the family and the district (lawsuit)

What is Due Process?


This person is able to explain the student's linguistic needs in the classroom. 

What is the EL representative?


Only 100% compliance in this IEP area is acceptable in the state of IL. 

What is Indicator 13? 


 Accommodations change how the student learns, while modifications change what the student is expected to learn.

What is the primary difference between an accommodation and a modification in an IEP?