Entering the Media Center
In the
computer lab
Choosing/Handling a Book
Fire and Emergency Drills
Leaving the Media Center
single-file, quiet line, hands by your side
How should we enter the library?
quietly take a seat and your assigned computer and log in
What do we do when we enter the computer lab?
browse, locate by call number, or search IES PAC
How do we find books that we want to checkout?
immediately stop talking and look at the Media Specialist
What is the first step when you hear a fire or Emergency sound?
push in chairs and stand behind them
How do we get ready to line up at the end of class?
put them in the return slot
Where do we return our library books when we enter the library?
follow the directions given
What do we do once we log into our computers?
10 minutes
What is the amount of time you have to choose books?
quietly line up single file, with mouths closed follow Media Specialist through take the hallway to the cafeteria and exit onto the blacktop
How do we exit from the library for a fire drill?
place all papers in the rack and put away pencils and other materials used
How do we clean up our tables?
quietly and respectful of others when taking a seat on the carpet
How do we enter the instructional area?
the Media Home page
Where do we go to search for books and find the day's assignment?
1st - 3rd: two books 4th and 5th: three books
What is the amount of books we can take out each week if we have nothing overdue or missing?
line up on the blacktop, stand silently with eyes facing the Media Specialist
What do we do outside during a fire drill?
quietly line up at the green pole
What do we do when our table or carpet row is called?
place them on top of the shelf below the windows
What do we do with books to renew, music folders, and other things in our hands?
example: 4Lrobl_disasters
How do we name a file that we are saving?
use a bookmark, keep it clean and dry, turn pages slowly and from the top of the page, put it when you can find it
What is good book care?
kneel under a table putting your hands over your head
What do we do during a Duck and Cover drill?
in a quiet line follow the Media Specialist or my teacher down the hall
How do we leave the Media Center?
silently look at the Media Specialist
What do we do once we are seated?
the Media Specialist's Hand In folder
Where do we turn in our computer files?
sit quietly at our assigned spot and read our book or find something else to read
What do we do after checking out our books?
follow the Media Specialist into the computer lab or another enclosed room
What do we doing during a lock down drill?
silently with hands by our side
How do we walk and wait in the halls?