We sometimes playing basketball near the river.
We sometimes play basketball...
Does the butcher and his daughter live near the Stone Road?
Do the butcher and his daughter live near...
El meu germà i jo sempre ens despertem a les 7 i mitja.
My brother and I always wake up at half past seven,
Elara escriu històries d'aventures.
Elara writes adventure stories.
steal - stole - stolen
Student's doesn't like exams.
Students don't like exams.
I not understand these coded message. You can help me?
I don't understand this coded message. Can you help me?
No me gusta la paella.
I don't like paella.
Amb quina freqüència prepares el desdejuni?
Jo prepare el desdejuni els dissabtes.
How often do you prepare / make breakfast?
I prepare / make breakfast on Saturdays.
draw - drew- drawn
This farmers not sell in the market square.
These farmers don't sell in the market square.
You shouldn't to drink many coffee.
You shouldn't drink a lot of coffee.
Els meus cosins ens visiten una vegada a l'any.
My cousins visit us once a year.
Per què va Sylas a Hyllstrand tots els estius?
Why does Sylas go to Hyllstrand every summer?
think - thought - thought
What you need? We needs shelves for ours bedrooms.
What do you need? We need shelves for our bedroom.
There are much Lurk's followers in this region. We must are very careful!
There are many / a lot of Lurk's followers in this region. We must be very careful!
Mark trabaja en la granja de su prima todos los miércoles.
Mark works at his cousin's farm every Wednesday.
La teua mare poques vegades cuina sopa de peix.
Your mother rarely cooks fish soup.
read - read - read
Elber and Dallah doesn't go hiking every days.
Elber and Dallah don't go hiking every day.
Why doesn't Lux and Silas participate in the horse riding competition? She is very good riders.
Why don't Lux and Silas participate in the horse riding competition? They are very good riders.
A Lucibur li encanta el teatre. Organitza un festival a Grendale tots els anys.
Lucibur loves theatre. He organises a festival in Grendale every year.
Nosotros siempre jugamos al ajedrez, pero mi amiga nunca juega. A él no le gustan los juegos de mesa.
We always play chess, but my friend never plays. He doesn't like board games.
hide - hid - hidden