What is the page called where we can find the Gantt?
IFS PSO Workbench
New window or Embedded
Name 3 IFS Cloud pages you will use to edit resources?
Resource Availability, Resource Details, Scheduling Resources, Scheduling Resource Regions, Person Competencies, Misc Allocations
Any 3
Can we change activity duration in PSO Workbench?
No, Go to resource details in IFS Cloud.
What Main Tab will we use for Dispatching activities?
Schedule Assistance
This is because is follows the rules for regions and skills. The resource Tab can allow you to override these restrictions.
How do you change whether activities are displayed top or bottom in the view?
Use dropdown
Select Resource
Select Activity
Where do we navigate to make edit changes on resources and activities?
IFS Cloud
In PSO Workbench where can we find Resources Home Location?
Resource Tab - Details
What status option do we NEVER select on an activity?
This will cancel the order is IFS Cloud but not the host system
What Main tab can be used to find out why un-allocated activities did not schedule or optimize?
Explanations Tab
How do we allow ourselves to see the resources schedule in the middle? While resources are selected to be viewed in the top of the screen
Click on a resource
What options can we select to narrow what we are viewing in PSO Workbench? These can be selected on and off
Double Jeopardy
In IFS Cloud what page will we find Resource Skills?
Person Competencies
What does SLA stand for?
Service Level Agreement . Expiry period
How do we access the help menu and search in it?
Help Button
How do we change the activities Max Travel allowed to the resource when committing an activity?
Select Max Travel Time button top left.
In PSO Workbench, what can we click on to take us directly to IFS Cloud in a new tab?
External Links
Which IFS Cloud pages will we use to setup a relocation?
Resource Availability
By using 2 shifts and adding start and end locations.
Resource Regions - Add district
What two alerts can a resource activate that need to be actioned from the dispatcher?
Panic Alert
Working Alone Timer
What Main Tabs do filters affect what we see?
All of Them
Can we drag and drop the activity on the resource?
But Fix to date and time if it is required at a specific time
What button do we click on to see historical view of Gantt?
Schedule button - Top Right
Which IFS Cloud Page do we use to change resources Max Travel Time?
Scheduling Resources
What needs to be done after a fixed to date and time activity will not be completed same day? Today
Fix the SLA as fixing to date and time will rewrite the original SLA.
How do we view Allocated work in the activities menu in the Resource Main Tab?
Click on Activities Button to split screen
Turn on selector : Include Allocated activities in the bottom left.
What two buttons must always be selected on when working in schedule assistance?
Match Region
Match Skills