Meaning of agbala
What is a woman; also used of a man who has taken no title?
An Igbo drum made from wood
What is ekwe?
Meaning of eneke-nti-oba
What is a type of bird?
What is a fever?
Meaning of chi
What is a personal god?
Meaning of ndichie
What is elders?
An Igbo gong
What is ogene?
Meaning of nza
What is a very small bird?
Meaning of inyanga
What is showing off, bragging?
Meaning of nno
What is welcome?
Meaning of nna ayi
What is our father?
An Igbo drum made from pottery
What is udu?
Meaning of oji odu achu-ijiji-o
What is a cow?
Meaning of ilo
What is the village green (where various assemblies take place)?
Meaning of ochu
What is murder or manslaughter?
Meaning of efulefu
What is a worthless man?
Meaning of isa-ifi
What is a ceremony for a wife that had been separated from her husband to swear she had not been unfaithful to him?
Meaning of tufia
What is a curse or oath?
Meaning of egwugwu
What is a masquerader who impersonates one of the ancestral spirits of the village?
Meaning of iyi-uwa
What is a special kind of stone which forms the link between an ogbanje and the spirit world?
Meaning of obodo dike
What is the land of the brave?