Folk and Fairy Tales
"The Lady Who Was a Beggar"
"The Last Judgment"
The Rest
When the circumstances turn out with a twist or in an unexpected way.
What is situational irony?
Jade was carried to shore by something under her feet.
What is a magical happening?
The situation that makes a marriage between Mo-Chi and Jade Slave seem appropriate.
What is that Mo-Chi is a poor student without family and Jade Slave is a rich, beautiful beggar's daughter?
The most ignoble character in this piece of literature.
Who is Kugler?
Mary Maloney goes to the grocery store for this reason.
What is to have an alibi?
When something is said that has a twist or means something different than the words.
What is verbal irony?
"But don't you agree there is no such thing as coincidence? It so happened...."
What is a narrator who often speaks directly to the audience?
Explain the irony of the coworkers recommending Mo-Chi as Jade Slave's husband.
What is the fact he had been married to her already and had tried to kill her?
What is ironic about the following excerpt? "Well, it rolled into the drain and under the gutter spout. Right now... your marble is shivering in the gush of cold water. Kugler bent his head, overcome by this revelation."
What is that Kugler is far more concerned with the lost marble than with the 9 people he killed?
Mary Maloney cries when she returns from the store.
What is because she genuinely loved her husband and she is playing the role of the grieving wife.
When the audience knows something that is going to happen in the story before the characters do.
What is dramatic irony?
In "Godfather Death" the godson becoming a very wealthy doctor.
What is a poor person becoming wealthy?
A coincidence or chance happening.
What is when the couple 'happened' to be in the same spot when Jade Slave was thrown overboard?
The irony of the jury at Kugler's trial.
What is that they fell asleep?
The ultimate irony of "The Luck of Teodor Mendez Acubal."
What is that he wasn't very lucky after all.
Name one of the ironies in "The Lady Who was a Beggar."
What is - when Mo-Chi marries the same woman. - when Jade is so marriageable but no one will marry her. - when Jade is 'adopted' by Mo-Chi's boss - when Mo-Chi's coworkers say that he is the perfect husband for Jad
In "Aladdin," the genie granting three wishes.
What is a request for a wish to be granted?
The most ignoble character in "The Woman Who Was a Beggar."
Who is Mo-Chi?
The irony of the witness at Kugler's trial.
What is that it was God?
The genera theme (truth from life in general) of "The Lottery." (Think about the ham story.)
What is that people do some things simply because of the strength of tradition.
The irony of the witnesses and jury for Kugler.
What is the fact that the witness is God, himself. The jurty falls asleep because they know what God says will be true.
Name one more characteristic of a folk tale.
What is 1) a brief interruption during which the narrator quickly summarizes the story's plot. -2) a chance happening - use of disguise or mistaken identity -
The dramatic irony of this piece of literature.
What is that the reader knows the Mo-Chi is marrying the same woman again before he does?
The reason God is not the judge.
What is because he knows everything?
The way the doctor tried to outwit Death.
What is by turning the sick people around in their beds?