Water Skills
Dry Land Ratios
First Aid
Key Terms

What is a lifeguards 2 primary responsibilities?

Prevention and Surveillance 


What is the compression BPM? Name 3 songs in that range

100-120 BPM (Stayin Alive, Another one bites the dust, WAP, Baby shark, Respect, I want it that way)


The act of applying pressure to someone's chest in order to help blood flow through the heart in an emergency situation

Chest compression


What do you do for a dry chemical burn?

Brush it off, don't get it wet


What is the Navel?

Belly button


What are the 2 in line stabilization techniques?

Over arm head splint

Head chin support


What is the conscious choking ratio for Adult/ Child?

5 back blows- 5 abdominal J thrusts


Is a rigid, flat board usually made of plastic or composite material. It's designed to safely immobilize and transport individuals with potential spinal injuries, particularly those occurring in water-related accidents or emergencies



Name 5 reasons to call 911 for a seizure

  • The seizure occurs In the water.
  • The seizure lasts more than 5 minutes.
  • The person has repeated seizures with no sign of slowing down.
  • The person appears to be injured.
  • The cause of the seizure is unknown.
  • The person is pregnant.
  • The person is known to have diabetes.
  • The person fails to regain consciousness after the seizure.
  • The person is elderly and may have suffered a stoke.
  • This is the person's first seizure.

When referring to shoving the rescue tube into an active victims chest, what key term is the test going to use in place of the word "shove"?



What are the 4 drowning victims in order?

Distressed, Active, Passive, Spinal


What is the 2 man CPR ratio for adult child and infant?

Adult: 30 compressions- 2 breaths

Child/ Infant: 15 compressions- 2 breaths


What does CPR stand for?

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation 


What are the four types of burns?

Electrical, UV, Chemical, Fire/Heat


When extricating a victim using the pool edge technique, what angle should the backboard be at?

Near horizontal

Name the 3 different types of coverage and their differences

Total: 1 Lifeguard

Zone: 2+ Lifeguards

Emergency Back up: Cover a rescuing lifeguards stand


What are the compression depths for an adult child and infant?

Infant: 1-1.5in

Child: 1.5-2in

Adult: 2-2.4in


What does AED stand for?

Automatic External Defibrillator


If a guest is having a diabetic emergency, what can you give them? (3 Examples)

Whole milk, candy, fruit juice, non diet soda


When performing conscious choking on an infant, how do you position the infant before giving compressions or back blows. 

Lay the Infant down your thigh *stated on the test*


Spinal Extrication Steps in Order:

1. Activate EAP

2. Slide in Entry

3. Over arm head splint or head chin support

4. Call for a backboard

5. Submerge board

6. Chest Strap

7. Head chin support

8. Head immobilizers

9. Head strap

10. Extricate


What are the rescue breathing ratios for Adult, Child, and Infant?

Adult: 1 breath every 5-6 seconds for 2 minutes (24 Breaths)

Child/Infant: 1 breath every 2-3 seconds for 2 minutes (40 breaths)


A rescuer who supervises the safety and rescue of swimmers, surfers, and other water sports participants such as in a swimming pool, water park, beach, spa, river and lake

Lifeguard :)


What does SAMPLE stand for and what questions correspond with SAMLE?

S: Sings and Symptoms- What's wrong?

A: Allergies- What are you allergic to?

M: Medication- Do you take any medications?

P: Pertinent Past Medical History

L: Last Oral Intake- Food and Drink?

E: Events leading up to the incident- What happened?


When performing 2 man CPR on an infant, the person giving chest compressions is using which technique/ method?

Encircling Thumbs Technique


Encircling Thumbs Method