The number of members of the IHFP team
What is 12
The host Nation of the 2022 FIFA world Cup
What is Quatar
This person serves as the current Associate Deputy Minister over HIB
Who is Peter Kaftarian
This is the deepest part of the Ocean
What is the Marianas Trench (~11KM deep)
This team member plays soccer
Who is Mikaela
These 5 cities have served as Capital of Canada (or its predecessors)
What are: Kingson; Montreal; Toronto; Quebec City & Ottawa
This is the name of the annual OPS battle of the Bands
What is GovFest
The name for a single strand of spaghetti
What is a Spaghetto
This team member finds a way to work, even on a cruise
Who is Julia (the seagull)
The country where Scott Byers was posted for a stint while in the armed forces
What is Germany
The ministry that developed the factsheet for "dealing with escaped livestock in your community"
What is the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
This Canadian women's hockey great is now a physician and assistant general manager for the Toronto Maple Leafs
Who is Hayley Wickenheiser
The number of team members that were born outside of Canada - extra points for their names)
What is 4 (Who are Anne-Marie, Kathleen, Jennifer & Efe)
This city is the geographical centre of North America
What is Regina
An instagram account dedicated to Ontario Public Service Content, but not moderated or endorsed by the OPS.
What is OPS Memes
The Grinch's trusty canine companion
Who is Max
This team member prefers a Schwarzbier over a coors light
Who is Kim
This Country has over 200 flavours of KitKat
What is Japan
This is our Divisional Name
What is Health Programs and Delivery Division
This "wall of wind" made its way across Ontario in May 2022
What is a Derecho