What does Ihsan mean?
Ihsan means excellence.
How many bins are there for us to sort our trash into at our school? Name them.
There are 2 bins, the garbage and the recycling bin.
What do we do when we see a wrapper on the floor as we walk down the hallway?
We pick up the wrapper and throw it in the garbage bin nearest to us.
Should we only do Ihsan in something we like or in everything we do?
We should do Ihsan in everything we do, and not just in what we like.
How many bins do we have at home for our trash?
We have 3 bins at home, the garbage, recycling, and the organic bin.
What do we do with a banana peel so that we reduce the waste in the school?
We take the banana peel home.
Why do we do Ihsan?
We do Ihsan to please Allah swt and earn good deeds.
Which items go into the garbage bin in our school?
Tissue, wrappers, juice box, greasy or soiled cardboard, plastic bags, aluminum foil, yogurt cup or bottle, soiled containers.
What should we bring our lunch in, keeping in mind the Waste-Free Ihsan Challenge that the grade 6s are doing?
Reusable containers, reusable bottles, reusable cutlery.
What are some ways to apply Ihsan in our everyday lives?
Do your best in school, listen to your parents, respect teachers, be kind, be on your best behaviour, etc.
Which items go into the recycling bin in our school?
Paper, clean cardboard, clean paper plate.
If we want to have juice or a drink for lunch, how should we bring it to school?
Pour it in a reusable bottle and bring it to school.