Fifties Families
'Ike' Eisenhower
Reshaping Urban America
Reshaping Urban America 2
The reason for the drop in women's share of college degrees and professional careers.
Stay-At-Home mom trend.
Eisenhower's political party
Measure that provided federal funding to build a nationwide system of interstate and defense highways
What is the Federal Highway Act of 1956?
The average wage rose faster than the _________ from 1953-1964. hint: people were able to purchase once unafforable TVs and cars
Consumer Prices.
The president who created the CIA when he signed the National Security Act.
Who was President Truman?
87% of households had this electronic apparatus by 1960.
What is the television?
He expanded this new deal program, which is the most long lasting and is still around today.
What is Social Security?
Toll roads, extra taxes on tires, automobiles, fuel, and trucks were all new changes to support what?
The funding/ building of interstate highways.
The US economy in the 1950s could be summed up as a _______ republic. Hint: think of the masses of appliances, new innovations, and cultural trends people bought into.
Consumers Republic
During the Cold War, the CIA was responsible for gathering information from this nation.
Who is Russia?
Magazines at the time claimed that there were distinct roles for mom and dad. What was the typical role for mom?
Moms were urged to find happiness in a well scrubbed house and in their kids. Time spent on housework increased. They married early and had an average of 3 kids.
What are called 'little boxes'?
How did the revampment of cities (construction of new housing, 'litte box' neigborhoods, and urban centers )affect minorities whose neighborhoods sprawled through different parts of the area. hint: think of how the government found area to build.
They were displaced as bulldozers often impeded on minority neighborhoods in the effort of building these structures.
The 'guinea pigs' the CIA used to test chemical weapons in the 50s.
Who are humans?
Despite the housewife trend, the number of ______ women rose to new highs, reaching 7.5 million.
Under him, whose land did the government sell to cut costs?
Native Americans
What is an example of levitowns?
Americans were obsessed with buying the newest appliances, gadgets, clothes, records, and cars. It is only right that the first US _____ would be built in town in the early 1950s.
malls, or shopping centers
In mid-1951, the CIA started to create more of these items and tested these items in various cities in the US and Canada.
What are weapons of mass destruction?
The difference between television and popular entertainment in earlier times.
In earlier times, entertainment was a communal activity. People went to watch movies or baseball games in crowds or groups. TV, however was enjoyed in private- at home.
Why is 'hidden-hand' presidency an appropriate description for Eisenhowers term as president?
Many of his accomplishments are things he prevented from happening. He did not remove New Deal programs, he avoided war despite spreading US political and military power, and knew how to manipulate his options. He knew exactly what he was doing.
What was Eisenhowers argument in building the highways?
He argued that they were national defense. If the ever underwent a ground invasion, the army would be able to transport troops and supplies across the country efficiently by means of highway.
The Federal Highway Act of 1956 created exactly what it is titled for. What industries would the building of these benefit?
General Motors (car companies in general), steel industry, and the concrete industry.
The reason why the CIA helped overthrow the Guatemalan Government in 1954.
The fear that Guatemala was leading towards communism. They wanted to stop the growing communism sphere of influence in the world.