Context clues/ summary
Main idea
Story/ character elements

If you are dissatisfied with the service you were given, there is a place to send in a complaint. 

What does the word dissatisfied mean?

mad, upset, disappointed, unhappy


The sun was shining brightly as Sarah and her friends set out on their picnic. They spread out a checkered blanket under a large oak tree, excited to spend the day outdoors. Sarah's friend, Emily, brought out a guitar and started playing some cheerful tunes.

It was a perfect day for a picnic with friends.


What is the difference between character traits and physical traits? Give an example of each.

Character traits describe how a character acts, thinks, feels. (funny, kind, caring, rude) Physical traits are what characters look like in appearance (ex. hair, eyes, skin)


Read the following sentence: "Lucy grabbed her raincoat and an umbrella before heading out the door." What can you infer about the weather outside?

It is storming/ raining


Compare and contrast the sun and the moon.

The moon is dark

the moon is closer to earth

the sun is a burning ball of gas

the sun is farther from us

the sun appears yellow

the moon appears grey/blue

they are both round


"After the long winter, the flowers began to blossom and fill the garden with color."

What does blossom suggest?

To Grow


The sun is a star in the center of our solar system. It provides light and heat to Earth. Without the sun, life on Earth would not be possible.

How the sun is important


Which element of plot introduces the characters, setting, and conflict of a story?



Carly and her mom watched the large truck drive away slowly. Then, they walked through the empty rooms of the house one last time before getting into the car and leaving.

The reader can infer Carly's family is doing what?

Carly and her family are moving. 


What do books and movies have in common?

they both tell a story to a set of audience.


What does it mean to summarize a passage?

To tell the story in your own words.


The library was buzzing with activity as students searched for books to read. Some were engrossed in adventure stories, while others were quietly studying for their exams. The librarian smiled, happy to see so many young minds engaged in reading.

Students were busy reading and studying in the library


The turning point in a story is known as the:



In this sentence: "Every morning, Mrs. Johnson carefully waters her plants and sings to them softly." What can you infer about how Mrs. Johnson feels about her plants?

She loves them/ cares for them a lot


When writing an informative essay, what should you not put in it?

Your opinion


Fill in the blanks: 












Emily loved spending time in her grandmother's garden. Together, they planted colorful flowers and juicy vegetables. Emily learned the basics of gardening and felt a deep connection to nature while working in the garden.

Emily learned about gardening in her grandma's garden. 


What is the central message or lesson of a story called?



What two things do you use to make an inference?

Clues from the text

Prior knowledge (Schema)


What is the difference between a narrative essay and a persuasive essay?

A narrative is used to tell a story to the reader. A  persuasive essay is used to convince the reader to agree with the writer/ to do something the writer wants them to do. (ex. letter to the principal to shorten school day).


Summarize the following paragraph:

In fifth grade, students learn about the fascinating human body systems. The human body is made up of several systems that work together to keep us healthy and active. One of the most important systems is the digestive system, which helps break down the food we eat into nutrients that our body can use for energy. Another crucial system is the circulatory system, which includes the heart and blood vessels, and is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The respiratory system, made up of the lungs and airways, helps us breathe in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The skeletal system, which consists of bones and joints, provides support and protection for our bodies. The muscular system allows us to move and helps support our organs. Finally, the nervous system controls our thoughts, movements, and reactions to the world around us. By understanding how these systems work together, we can appreciate the amazing complexity and efficiency of the human body.

The human body is made up of the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system. They all work together to make the body function. 


An average beehive consists of about 20,000 bees. Within the colony, there are three types of bees, each with its own important job. One queen lives in a hive, and her only job is to fill the hive with eggs. In fact, a queen will lay about 1,500 eggs in just one day! Male bees are called drones. Their only job is to mate with the queen. Worker bees, on the other hand, are extremely busy. They are female bees that lay no eggs. Their many jobs include cleaning, gathering pollen, building new comb, and taking care of the larvae (baby bees).

The main idea of this passage is the different jobs of all the types of bees.


Name the plot map in order.

Expedition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


What does it mean to "quote accurately" from a text?

Copy word for word from the text


What type of writing do you need sources and are required to site them?

Informative writing