Early Care and Education Services
Health and Health Care
Language Use

The Illinois County with the highest population of children birth to age 5.

What is Cook County?


Early Head Start programs serve children up to this age.

What is 3 years old.


One of the three medical assistance programs for young children in Illinois. 

What is: Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or All Kids expansion. 


The most common non-English language spoken by young children in Illinois.

What is Spanish.


The year that the population of children ages 0 to 5 in Illinois dropped below 1 million.

When is 2011.


The Preschool for All (PFA) program in Illinois gives first priority to children in this category. 

What is children identified as at risk of academic failure.


The percentage of Illinois children 0 to 5 with no health insurance in 2016, rounded to the nearest whole percent.

What is 3%.


Percentage of children birth to 5 in Illinois who speak Spanish in their home in 2015, rounded to the nearest whole percent. 

What is 19%. 


The highest number of refugees living in Illinois in 2015 originated from this country. 

What is Burma.


Excluding Cook County, the Illinois county with the highest number of Head Start sites.

What is Rock Island County.


Percent of very low birth weight babies (<1,500 g) in Illinois in 2016, rounded to nearest whole percent.

What is 2%.


The second most spoken non-English language in Illinois for ages 0 - 5.

What is Polish.


The Illinois county with the highest percentage of Hispanic or Latino children under the age of 5.

What is Kane County.


The year the proposed capacity for Preschool For All in Illinois dropped below 70,000.

When is 2017.


Percent of all Illinois births in 2016 that were births to teens, rounded to the nearest whole percent.

What is 5%.


In 2010, the US Census replaced this term with the term "Households in which no one 14 and over speaks English only or speaks a language other than English at home and speaks English very well."


What is "linguistically isolated."