Mental Illness
Social Supports
Reducing Relapse

What is a mental illness?

A wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior


What are examples of positive symptoms?

Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking/behaviors  


Identify an antipsychotic medication  

Haldol, Respirdol, Clozaril, Zyprexa, Cecaquil, Clozopine


What is social support?

Refers to having relationships that are rewarding, enriching, and helpful


What is a relapse?

A return to old behaviors or ways of thinking, a return of symptoms  


What are some of the symptoms of schizophrenia?

Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, thinking difficulty, Negative symptoms (avolition, asociality, anhedonia, and alogia) 


What are examples of negative symptoms?

Alogia, flat affect, anhedonia, asociality, avolition, apathy  


What questions should you ask your doctor to make informed decisions about your medication?

- What will it help me with?

-How long does it take the medication to work?

-What side effects might I experience?

-What if the medication doesn't work for me?


How can having social support help you with your recovery?

Supportive relationships make people feel good about themselves, feel more optimistic about the future, and reduce stress


What could cause an individual to have a relapse?

Under more stress, stop taking their medications, using alcohol or drugs


What are some of the symptoms of bipolar I disorder?

Mania: rapid speech, racing thoughts, elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, increase in risk taking behaviors, extreme goal-directed activity 



True or False: Hearing, seeing, feeling or smelling something that is not present is a symptom of psychosis



Name 3 benefits of taking medication

Experience symptoms less often or less intensely, concentrate better and think more clearly, fall asleep more easily and sleep more restfully, accomplish more of your goals


Give an example of a supportive person or organization in your life

Ex: Parents, siblings, friend, social worker, treatment team, etc.


What is your preferred method of relaxation?

Ex: listening to music, nature, taking a walk, deep breathing, petting an animal, etc.


What are some symptoms of major depressive disorder?

Significant weight loss or weight gain, insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, problems concentrating, recurrent thoughts of death


What might be an effective coping skill to manage auditory hallucinations?

Distract self by listening to music, point out objects in the room (point and name game), identify all of the right angles in the room, ect.


Identify a mood-stabilizing medication

Depekote, Benedryl, Cognitin, Lithium, Thorozine

True or False: In deciding how much to share about yourself to another person, you can start by matching the other person's level of disclosure and then gradually try to increase the level as you get to know each other better



What can help you stay calm when you are angry?

Count to 10 before responding, set a boundary, walk away and come back when you are cooled down, use assertive communication skills, speak firmly but calmly


What are some symptoms of substance use disorder?

Intense cravings, unsuccessful efforts to cut down, Inordinate time spent obtaining substance or recovering from effects, important activities/roles given up, continued use despite physical/psychological problems/physical hazards, increased tolerance, withdrawal 


True or False: Being on the schizophrenia spectrum means that you will never be able to accomplish your goals



When you experience side effects, your doctor might recommend:

Reduce the dosage, add another medication to treat side-effects, or switch medications


How can you develop closer relationships?

Try to understand the other person's point of view, do things together, be willing to compromise, show through your actions that you care, be there for the person and help out


What keeps you motivated in your recovery?

Ex: Better relationships with loved ones, going back to school, wanting to be happier, etc.