Being Professional
Social Skills
Life Skills
Classroom Skills

How many work experiences should you have on a resume?

Three is the expectation but if you have less than three then put the ones that you have.


What is it called when you do something that needs to be done without being asked?



What is the card that you need to get cheaper rates for a Cherriots bus pass?

Special Citizens card or Reduced Fare ID.


What is the document that you fill out at the beginning of the school year that is about who you want to share your school information with?

R.O.I./Release of Information


Which staff teaches the ILP Driver's Knowledge Class?



If a co-worker does something that is against company policy what should you do?

Go talk to your manager and let them know. It is not your job to tell a co-worker what to do.


What is the difference between an opinion and a fact?

An opinion is your own belief or someone's belief, cannot be proven to be true. A fact is something that can be proven by research.


Why is it important to carry a state issued ID card with you in the community?

Legally you are supposed to carry your state issued ID because if an accident occurs and you need to talk to law enforcement they will check your ID. Also if you intend to use a debit/credit card somewhere they might need to check your ID.


What is the ILP phone policy?

Phone needs to be put away in a bag or in your pocket. Not on the desk. Just like if you were working at a job, cell phone will need to be put away.


Which staff teach the ILP cooking class? Must name both of them.

Debbie and Kathy.


What is considered appropriate dress for an interview?

Button up dress shirt(tie optional), blouse, dress pants, nice dress, professional skirt, dress shoes. If shirt needs to be tucked in wear a belt as well. 

No jeans, opened toed shoes, holes in clothes, logos,  excessive jewelry, extreme makeup, etc.


What are three ways to "beat the winter blues?"

Go on a walk, spend time with loved ones, do a preferred activity, etc.


Sometimes the winter weather can affect our school day with a two hour delay or a cancellation. What should you do if you are not sure if you have school or not?

-Check the school district website.

-Sign up for the Flash alerts on the school district website.

-Check one of the local news stations/sites.

Do not text staff to ask them about a delay/cancellation as you are an adult and are responsible for being prepared. Not to mention if school is on a delay/cancellation, staff are not currently working.


How many minutes before your scheduled worksite or classroom time do you need to call in to be excused?

30 minutes. This is really generous compared to what employers will expect.


Which staff are job coaches at the coffee cart?

Jevynn, Daney, Hector and Gary.


What are two reasonable workplace accommodations could you ask for when working at a job?

Using notes to remember tasks, music while working(if not working directly with customers), written instructions, additional processing time, additional training opportunities, etc.


If you are approached by someone in the community who makes you feel uncomfortable, what should you do?

Ignore them, cross the street when it applies, move from your location(move seats on the bus.) Also you can let someone who works in that certain area of the situation, i.e. letting the bus driver know, talking to someone who works at a business where the situation occurs.


If you have a disability and want to attend Chemeketa, what service helps you work with your disability to take classes?

Accessibility services. 


When arriving to class in the morning, what is the morning routine?

Sign in, grab Chromebook, answer email from Beth and wait for classroom discussion and morning meeting.


Which staff members currently live outside of Salem-Keizer?

Must get at least two correct.

Gary(Aumsville), Beth(Monmouth) and Jevynn(Corvallis)


Name two places in the community that you can go get help finding a job?

Worksource Oregon, Goodwill Job Connections, Vocational Rehabilitation. 


If a manager says something that makes you uncomfortable, bothers or angers you, what is an appropriate response?

Communicate respectfully with said manager stating what your feelings are, etc. If someone offends you and you do not let them know then you cannot expect changes to be made.


Which city buses come to Chemeketa?

#2, #11, #3/#13


What is the goal of the ILP program?

To not only get a job but keep a job. Other answers accepted: To learn work skills, learn adult skills, etc.


Which staff is primarily left handed? There is only one.

Beth. All other staff are right handed except Jevynn who is ambidextrous.