The maximum overall service rating allowed to be a level 1.
Taking time to make sure a trainee is set up for success from Day 1 will lead to?
Improved chance of success.
What is an IM's first duty if an accident is reported?
Makes sure the driver is uninjured and alert.
How long, after a material delivery, do we have to inspect the product and receive the PO lines into the WMS?
2 Days
When is an IM allowed to approve an Installer to use a company vehicle or trailer for personal reasons?
The lowest Motive score allowed to be a level 1.
Where is the File to upload a new Installer trainee’s assessment found before they can go to FC training?
I Drive
After an accident an Installer must complete the drug/alcohol test within what timeframe?
2 Hours or immediately after leaving the scene of the accident.
How long after an item count is added to the WMS Cycle Count Queue do we have to count that item and enter the count into the system?
By the end of the week
Adjusting clothing, cellphones, radio, etc. is allowed as long as the driver does what?
The driver pulls off the road and stops in a safe location before making any adjustments.
Failing to follow all safety procedures reduces evaluation score by this many points.
When you need a new position what is your first step?
Seek approval from RM.
An Accident Report must be completed within what timeframe?
24 hours after the accident
Checking that the items delivered are the items that were ordered is part of what process?
Who is responsible to pay all fines associated with traffic violations?
The Driver
Mandatory grade level reduction for an installer fault redo installed within last 15 months.
2 Grade levels for 1 period.
When interviewing a candidate, what is the first step you should do?
Review the candidates resume before you meet and have relevant questions prepared.
Who approves when an employee involved in an accident can return to work?
Overages, shortages, damages, and defects need to be reported to
Which is the driving behavior that is most indicative of a bad driver?
Hard Braking
Mandatory grade level reduction for failing to return redo materials.
1 pay grade for 1 period.
How often should you check in with your trainees?
The injured employee should contact who immediately following an accident, unless emergency care is required?
Flammable materials need to be kept
In a fire rated cabinet.
As an IM you are expected to always maintain a driver score of what?
80 or higher