Sample This!
Sanitary Dressing
Associate This!
Performance criteria generic E.coli are enforceable regulatory standards. True or False?
What is: False, they are guidelines, thus IPP cannot take a RCA when establishment testing results indicate that their sanitary dressing procedure are out of control.
What do IPP review before collecting and submitting a sample to the lab?
What is: FSIS Directives and Notices applicable to the sampling program and Directive 7355.1, for packaging, sealing sample boxes, and maintaining the integrity of samples.
Define sanitary dressing.
What is: The practice of handling carcasses by establishment employees and machinery, throughout the slaughter process, in a manner that produces a clean, safe, wholesome meat food product in a sanitary environment.
What is the purpose of associating NRs?
What is: • Notify establishment of ineffective further planned actions • Document the trend of repetitive noncompliance and the establishment’s failed further planned actions • Provides the documentation to support further enforcement actions
To cancel a directed sample task, IPP right click on the task that is on the task calendar and then select remove. True or False?
What is: False, sampling tasks must be cancelled on the Schedule Collection page to cancel the lab reservation.
What is the purpose and significance of generic E. coli testing?
What is: • Sampling for generic E. coli helps determine whether the slaughter process is under control or whether the carcasses are being contaminated with fecal material. • It is an indicator of sanitary dressing process control.
All directed samples are scheduled and documented in the Task Calendar section of PHIS. True or False?
What is: True
Identify potential steps in the slaughter process where contamination may occur?
What are: - Live receiving/holding - Sticking - Hide removal - Bunging - Brisket opening - Head removal - Evisceration - Carcass splitting
To associate one noncompliance to another noncompliance, the noncompliances must:
What is: • Be from the same cause, or • Represent systemic problems with the same aspect of the establishment’s food safety system
What are two categories of RTE product that have been identified as the highest risk for being contaminated with Lm?
What is: Deli-meat & Hot dog
What are generic E. coli testing performance criteria?
What is: These are numbers published in the regulations that represent the highest expected microbial loads on carcasses when the slaughter process is under control.
What is the primary difference between Directed and Collector Generated samples?
What is: • Directed – These samples are added to the task list based on slaughter class, products, and production volumes identified in the establishment’s profile • Collector Generated- These samples do not appear on the task list. IPP create, schedule and document them in PHIS based on wholesomeness or regulatory noncompliance concerns
Describe what is meant by overwhelming an antimicrobial intervention in the slaughter process?
What is: - Occurs when the establishment uses poor dressing procedures and employee hygiene practices leading to carcass contamination and insanitary conditions. Such insanitary conditions and contamination increases the initial microbial load on the carcasses to point that the establishment’s antimicrobial intervention (acid rinse, hot water rinse, steam pasteurization, etc.) does not reduce the population E. coli O157:H7or non-O157 STEC to non-detectable levels.
When IPP determine that additional enforcement action is needed because of a trend in noncompliance, what do they do next?:
What is: Contact the District Office and request that an NOIE be issued to the establishment
What are the two processing steps that are usually identified as CCPs in production of fully cooked NSS products?
What is: Cooking & Stabilization (cooling)
When are establishments required to use statistical process control to evaluate their generic E. coli test results?
What is: When the est. slaughters a species or uses sampling technique for which the Agency has not developed performance criteria.
What are some examples of Collector Generated samples?
What are: KIS residue screening and confirmation samples; Livestock and poultry pathology samples; Regulatory concern such as species substitution, food defense, and foodborne illness outbreaks
What are some findings that can indicate the establishment’s sanitary dressing procedures are not under control?
What are: • Repeated or ongoing noncompliance related to contamination of carcasses with feces, milk or ingesta at the final rail (zero tolerance) • Repetitive contamination of carcasses or parts observed by off-line IPP • Feedback from IPP indicating an increase in positive E. coli O157:H7 results from either FSIS or establishment results. • Inappropriate design or use of facilities, equipment, or utensils for the type or size of cattle slaughtered • Results of any establishment programs designed to prevent insanitary conditions during dressing procedures that may not support decisions made in the hazard analysis. • Feedback from on-line IPP indicating increased incidents of carcass contamination.
When IPP associate the current NR with a previous NR, what information must be documented in the description of the current noncompliance (block 10 of the NR)?
What is: • The previous NR number, and • The establishment’s further planned actions that were either not implemented or ineffective in preventing the noncompliance from recurring
What questions should IPP seek the answer to when determining if the HACCP system is inadequate?
What is: • Does the HACCP plan meet the regulatory requirements of Part 417? For example, if an establishment is not maintaining any records associated with its HACCP plan; the establishment is not monitoring critical limits at any CCP; or the establishment did not reassess the HACCP plan when required • Was adulterated product produced or shipped? For example, a deviation from critical limit occurred, the establishment did not take the corrective actions as per Section 417.3 of the Federal regulations, and has performed its pre-shipment review • Is there trend in establishment noncompliance? For example repetitive noncompliance from the same cause
If the establishment’s generic E. coli results indicate that it is failing to maintain control of the slaughter process, what should IPP do?
What is: Use systems thinking! Lack of process control should be considered in conjunction with other parts of the food safety system, e.g., sanitary dressing procedures, product pathogen testing (if any), fecal zero tolerance and other parts of the HACCP system.
What is the purpose Laboratory Capacity Reservation System?
What is: Allows IPP to schedule sample collection on days when product is produced and when the lab has the resources (capacity) to analyze the sample.
Identify some general sanitary dressing procedures an establishment may use to prevent or reduce contamination during the slaughter process.
What is: • Maintain adequate separation of carcasses, parts and viscera during dressing. • Routinely clean and sanitize equipment and hand tools used to remove contamination or to make cuts in the carcass. • Arrange equipment to prevent the contact of successive carcasses with contaminated equipment. • Wash hands and aprons frequently. • Implement decontamination and antimicrobial intervention treatment such as carcass washes or sprays, to address contamination that could not be prevented in the slaughter process.
IPP are required to discuss noncompliance trends and NR associations at the weekly meeting. True or False?
What is: True
In which of the following scenario(s) would an NR be written for a positive E. coli O157:H7 result in a raw (ground or trim) beef product? 1. FSIS test is +; est’s test is +, same lot 2. FSIS test is +; est’s test is +, different lot 3. FSIS test is +; est’s test is - 4. FSIS test is +; no establishment testing 5. FSIS test is - ; est’s test is + 6. FSIS test is - ; est’s test is -
What is: 2, 3, & 4