What is the wild card symbol in AMS and ImageRight?
Where would you file a BOR in ImageRight?
Permanent Folder > BOR Document
Where do you click in AMS360 to copy from the template client?
Line of business section - "Copy Lines of Business" link.
What is another name for the eForms button in AMS360?
Hot Lava Dolphin
Who is the CEO of Brown & Brown?
Powell Brown
What does the grilled cheese button in AMS360 do?
In order to work with a task in ImageRight, what do you have to do first?
Lock the task (double click)
If you don't have the Submissions view in AMS360, where can you click to add it?
User Options
List the 3 B&B required fields in the customer setup in AMS360.
Where can you go to find Voyager training documentation?
The Spot
What button do you click to populate the To Do List in ImageRight?
How do you "Set Task Attributes" on a task in ImageRight?
Right click on the task
Where would you file printed applications? (Name the folder(s) and the doc type)
Policy Term > Marketing > APP
If you want to see what coverages are on a policy at a glance in AMS360, what view can you go into?
Dec Page View
Who is the governor of California?
Gavin Newsom
What are the 3 ways to bring documents into ImageRight?
1. Drag & Drop
2. ImageRight Ribbon
3. Print to pdf
When using eForms in AMS360, what button do you always have to click before you can email/print?
What is the name of the template client in AMS360?
576 Rocklin Templates
What are 3 ways to open a customer in ImageRight?
1. Blue present (or package)
2. Recent Files
3. ImageRight or WorkSmart button in AMS360
What states are Michael and Jana from?
Ohio & Arizona
When searching for a client in AMS360, how can you view only Rocklin & Stockton customers?
View Options - "Limit to only customers I have access to"
How do you see all the versions of a native document in ImageRight (ie, Excel, Word)?
Right click and choose Show Versions
What carrier do we use when creating new submissions?
How do you open two customers at the same time in AMS360?
Right click on the Customer center
What year was Brown & Brown established?