This PBS show could have used GPS when it first aired in 1969.
The average length of time someone participates in the Well Works program.
12-24 months
This popular quote “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.." is from this cult classic.
The Princess Bride, 1987
This 80's jingle sung the ingredients of a signature burger.
What does it cost to support one person in the Well Works program annually?
"You're gonna need a bigger boat" is from this iconic 70's movie
Jaws, 1975
This catchy 90's jam just wants your baby back, baby back, baby back.
The Well Work program focuses on these areas.
Recovery, Life Skills, Barrier Removal, Works Skills (Technical and Soft)
"You're killin' me Smalls" was a remark made over smores in this 90's movie.
The Sandlot, 1993