Duas: What do you know about it?

List 3 of his titles

1. Amir al-Mu'minin “the Commander of the Faithful”

2. Qasim al-Nar wa l-Janna “the divider of Heaven and Hell”

3. al-Faruq “the divider of truth from falsehood”

4. al-Siddiq al-Akbar, “the greatest saint”.

5. Ya'sub al-Din wa l-Muslimin “the leader, and warden, of the believers”

6. Amir al-Barara “the leader of the innocent”

7. Qatil al-Fajara “the killer of immorality”

8. Sayyid al-'Arab, Kashshaf al-Kurab,

9. al-Anza' al-Batin, al-Siraṭ al-Mustaqim, al-Naba al-'Azim


What is the event of Ghadir Khumm?

+ During his final pilgrimage, AH 10, the Prophet stopped his caravan at the pond of Khumm.

+ He raised Ali's arm and said, Whosoever I am his master, this Ali is his master.

  Then said, He is the successor of the Messenger of Allah.

Quran-5:3 “Ikaml Al-deen, Completion of Faith”: "This day those who disbelieve have despaired of your religion. So fear them not, but fear Me! This day I have perfected for you your religion, and completed My blessing upon you, and have approved for you as religion, submission [to God] (Islam)."


Where was Imam Ali born?

+ Inside the Holy Kaaba

+ The Prophet named him Ali, “the exalted one”.


Dua Kumyal -- دعاء کميل

1. Imam Ali taught this dua to Kumayl ibn Zīyād

2. This supplication contains great and noble messages for knowing God and requests for forgiveness of sins.

3. It is recited on the eves of Friday.


List 3 teknonyms, كُنيَة

1. Abu l-Hasan ---“the father of Hasan”

2. Abu l-Husayn “the father of Husayn”

3. Abu l-Sibtayn “the father of the grandsons [of the Prophet]”

4. Abu l-Rayhanatayn “the father of the two basil plants”

5. Abu Turab “the father of dust”

6. Abu l-A'imma “the father of the Imams”


What is Da'wat Al-Ashera, “Inviting Kinsfolk”?

The Prophet invited people to Islam privately for 3 years, then God told him to invite his relatives.

+ He invited his relatives, the Banu Hashim clan, to a banquet.

+ He announced his prophethood and asked, three times, who would join him.

+ Only Ali responded to the calls.

The Prophet said, this [Ali] is my wazir, my successor, and my vicegerent; listen to him and obey his commands.


Who raised Imam Ali?

+ At the age of 5, the Prophet took him into his house to raise him.

+ At the age of 9, the Prophet announced his prophethood and Ali was the first male to accept Islam; the second person after Khadija, the Prophet's wife, to accept Islam.

Ali and the Quran ‘grew up’ together as ‘twins’ in the house of Muhammad.


‘Call on Ali’ Supplication -- دعاء ناد عليّ

                   Call Ali, who is Manifestor of wonders,

            Thou shall surely find him helper in your difficulties,

                     All grief and Sorrows will disappear,

                     By Thee by Thy tremendousness O! Lord,

                    By Thee by Thy Apostleship O! Muhammad,

   By Thee by Thy granted Power & Authority of Waili, O! Ali, O Ali, O! Ali,

2.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRd1ZtSgLaI

3. It is said that the supplication was heard by the Prophet during the Battle of Uhud from the hidden world.


Which of Imam Ali's titles relate him to the Prophet?

+ Nafs al-Rasul, Akh al-Rasul, Zawj al-Batul, Sayf Allah al-Maslul

  The Soul of the Prophet, the brother of the Prophet, the Husband of the Pure

  [Fatima], The drawn sword of God

+ Bab al-Madina “the door of the city”.

  - The Prophet said: “I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is its gate”.

+ Shabih Harun, “the likeness of Prophet Aaron”

  - The Prophet said “Ali is to me like Aaron is to Moses, except he is not a prophet”.


How did Imam Ali save Prophet Muhammad during the Migration to Medina?

In 1 AH, during the hijrah ---migration-- to Medina, Ali risked his life by sleeping in Muhammad's bed to impersonate him to thwart an assassination plot on the Prophet.

He risked his life further by staying in Mecca to return to its owners the property that was entrusted to the Prophet.


Who burned the door of Imam Ali's home?

  + The Prophet died in AH 10.

  + As Ali prepared his body for burial, Abu Bakr obtained political power at the Saqifah building in Medina.

  + Abu Bakr ordered Umar ibn Al-Khattab to obtain allegiance from Ali.

  + Umar and his supporters went to Ali's house then burned the main door, thereby crushing Fatimah between the door and the wall.

    - This caused Fatimah's unborn child, Muhsin, to die; and caused her death shortly after.


Al-Mashlul Supplication -- دُعاء المَشلول

1. "Mashlul" (Arabic: مشلول) means "a person a part of whose body has been paralysed."

2. The dua is also known as “the supplication of the youth stricken for his sin”.

3. It is a supplication narrated from Imam Ali.

4. Imam Ali taught this supplication to a young man whose hand was paralyzed due to a curse of his father and said that anyone who recites it whole-heartedly, his request will be answered.


What's the story of “Al-Anza Al-Bateen”?

The Prophet said Imam Ali is “free from polytheism and full of knowledge”.

Later, people who hate Imam Ali misled non-Arabic speakers and explained that “al-anza al-bateen” means “the fat bald one”.


Where did the term “Ahl al Bayt” (“The Family of the Household [of the Prophet]”) come from?

In 10 AH, a group of Christians disputed with the Prophet about Isa ibn Maryam, Jesus.

- Like prophet Jesus, prophet Adam also had no father; moreover, he also had no mother.

- They were commanded Quran 3:61 to perform mubahalah/mutual-cursing: Each group should ask God to destroy the liars.

Quran 3:61 mentions our sons, our women, and ourselves in reference to who the Prophet took with him: Hassan and Hussein, Fatimah, and Ali. The Prophet with this group are referred to as the Ahl al Bayt, Quran:33:33.


How did Imam Ali die?

 + Attacked while praying in the Great Kufa Mosque; martyred two days later; 21 Ramadan, 40 AH.

+ Aged: 59 years old.

+ Buried in Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq.


Recite Something from Nahj Al-Balagh

+ Nahjul Balagha is a book that contains letters, sermons and hadiths attributed to Imam Ali

+ Be Steadfast in Your Religion: “Mountains may move from their position but you should not move from yours. Grit your teeth. Lend to Allah your head. Plant your feet firmly on the ground.” [Said in the Battle of Jamal]

+ People Will Always Complain: “If I speak out they would call me greedy towards power but if I keep quiet they would say I was afraid of death.”


What's the story of “Abu Turab”, “the father of dust”?

The Prophet gave Imam Ali this title, saying:

+ [Ali] is the owner of the earth and God’s representative among people.

+ The earth continues to exist and remain calm because of his presence.

+ In the Hereafter, the non-believer sees the position and the reward of the followers of Ali and says: “I wish I were of the dusty” and this is what Quran-78:40 reads “and the faithless will say 'I wish I were dust”.

The Umayyads later use this title as an insult.


List any notable thing that happened in the Islamic Battles that Imam Ali was part of

+ He took part in all of the battles, except Tabouk, and was the flag bearer for the Prophet.

+ 3 AH: When the Muslims fled at Uhud, Ali was the one to protect the Prophet. There is no youth like Ali, and no sword like Zulfiqar.

+ 5 AH: At the battle of the trench, “al-khandaq”, Ali defeated a legendary fighter and the Prophet said:

    Ali's strike on Amr ibn Abd al-Wud is greater than the worship of both mankind and jinn until the Day of Judgement.


How did accursed Muwaiyah remember Imam Ali in the Friday Prayers?

Since Muwaiyah took power producing a dynasty, the “Umayyad Caliphate”, they ordered the cursing of Ali in the Friday prayers for the next 60 years.

The Prophet called Imam Ali “Al-Anza Al-Bateen” which means “free of polytheism and full of knowledge”. To insult Imam Ali, the Arabic was explained as “the fat bald one”.


Where is Imam Ali in the Quran?

+ The Overnight Stay, Quran 2:207, when Imam Ali risked his life so the Prophet could travel.

+ Mubahala or “Mutual Cursing”, Quran 3:61, where Imam Ali is called the Prophet's “self”.

+ The Completion of Faith, Quran 5:3 & 5:67, when the Prophet declares Imam Ali as his successor at Ghadeer Khum.

+ Verse of Wilya, Quran 5:55, for when Imam Ali was praying and gave his ring to a beggar

+ Verse of Purification, Quran 33:33, concerns the status of Ahl Al-Bayt

+ Verse of Mawadda/Affection, Quran  42:23, concerns the love for Ahl Al-Bayt

+ Verses 76:5–22 concerning the Ahl Al-Bayt giving food away.