Identify the Dua/Ziyara: "Peace be upon you O' the Manifested Flag and the one who is filled with knowledge and help and the far reaching mercy a promise which is not a lie"
Ziyarat ale-Yasin
Identify the Dua/Ziyara: "O Allah, I update to him in the beginning of this day and throughout the days of lifetime a pledge, a covenant, and allegiance to which I commit myself and from which I neither convert nor change."
Dua Ahad
Date on which Ghaibat e Kubrah began
10 Shawwal 329 AH
Identify the Dua: Where is the one left by Allah Where is the one awaited for mending every unevenness and crookedness? Where is the one hoped for removing oppression and aggression? Where is the one chosen for restoring the faith and the code of law?
Dua Nubda
O Ammar! Allah has promised me that He will give birth to nine Imams from Husain and He will keep the ninth one in Ghaibat.
Who is talking to Ammar?
Prophet Muhammad SAW