Energy source for passive sensors
What is a the sun?
Output of a raster function
What is a layer?
Name of the pane that allows for creating raster function chains
What is the raster function editor?
Quantifies the amount of change that has occurred in each pixel
What is pixel value (magnitude) change detection?
Image classification method that uses training samples to define classes.
Supervised classification
Wavelength ranges starting from short gamma waves all the way to long radio waves
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
Raster functions that only process visible pixels on screen
What is local raster functions
Raster function template before saving
What is a raster function chain
Determines which classes changed into which other classes
What is categorical change detection.
Image classification method that groups spectrally similar pixels into a specified number of classes.
Unsupervised classification
Entity in the geodatabase to store large amounts of imagery
What is a mosaic dataset?
Raster functions identified by a hammer icon
What is global raster functions
Created by raster function templates, designed to make it easier to add imagery from different sensors to your map.
What is a raster product?
Determines when a change occurred. – Requires multidimensional data
What is time series change detection?
Image classification technique that is most often used with unsupervised classification.
What is pixel based classification?
Wavelength range between 500 and 550 nm
What is green?
Bands required to calculate NDVI
What is the red and the IR band.
Fix value to be used in a raster function template
What is a constant?
Corrects for different brightness values in the before and after images.
What is Apparent Reflectance?
Image classification technique that is often used to improve the classification result of high resolution imagery.
Number of possible data values in each band, referred to as bit depth
Range of output pixel values of scientific NDVI
What is -1 to +1?
Band used in the Pansharpen raster product to sharpen the other bands.
What is the panchromatic band.
Used to create images of the same pixel size (when before and after images have different pixel sizes)
What is the resample function?
Process used before applying object based classification.
What is segmentation?