What does IMCU stand for?
Intermediate Medical Care Unit
What is the incidence of reflux in infants: 20%, 30% or 50%
50% of infants experience reflux - "happy spitters"
In what formats are infant formula available at CHEO?
Liquid Concentrate
Underfeeding can prolong a hospital stay. True or False
Why is an accurate weight important and what tool should be used for an accurate weight?
1) Help us determine how well a child is growing or if they are suffering from malnutrition.
2) length board
What is the wt requirement for babies on CPAP in the IMCU
5 kg
swallowing difficulties , FTT, arching of the back and irritability are symptoms of which disorder, GER or GERD
Spitting and regurgitation up is normal for most infants
Enfamil A+
Name one risk factors for Refeeding syndrome
1)BMI <18.5 kg/m2
2)weight loss f 5-7.5%
3)negligible intake for >5-6 days or ,50-75% >7 days
In the PICU TPN is recommended within the first week of admission. True or False
Name one role of a Dietitian in Critical Care or inpatient setting?
1) screen patients for malnutrition
2) Determine a patients nutrition needs
2)support patients who are unable to eat
3) educate patients, parents and staff on importance of nutrition
At what age do baby's grow out of GER?
9-12 months of age
catch up growth
Fluid restriction
What proportion of children present to the PICU already malnourished?
>1/3 to 1/2 depending on the study.
What are the criteria for use of TPN?
EN is contraindicated - bowel obstruction, malabsorption, intestinal injury/inflammation, intestinal prematurity (prematurity), intestinal dysmotility
Which formula is indicated for suspected Cow's Milk Protein allergy?
Puramino or Neocate infant