Points and Motions
Voting Procedure
IMF Background Guide

What are the three points that a delegate can make?

Point of Order

Point of Inquiry

Point of Personal Privilege


Are delegates allowed to enter/exit the room or pass notes during voting?

No, the doors are barred during voting. There should also be no speaking. 


What country resisted "IMF-style reforms and instead opted for short-term capital controls?



What does dilatory mean?

Term used by the chair when a proposed motion is useless or unproductive and will not be voted on.


What is the difference between signatories and sponsors?

sponsors: delegates who directly contribute and write clause(s) in a resolution.

Signatories: delegates who would like to see the given resolution debated and voted on.


What is the difference between a moderated caucus and unmoderated caucus?

Moderated caucus: informal speakers list where delegates have the chance to state their position on a specified topic. 

Unmoderated caucus: collaborative time where the delegates walk around, form blocs and write working papers.


Are delegates allowed to enter/exit the room or pass notes during voting?

No, the doors are "barred" during voting procedure


What are the two topics in our committee background guide?

Macroeconomic imbalances in Southeast Asia, Political economy.


What is the difference between a primary and secondary speakers list?

Primary speakers list: formal debate where delegates speak on what topic they would like to see debated in committee.

Secondary speakers list: formal debate where delegates speak on their specific positions regarding the set topic.


What is an operative clause?

Operative clauses identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution.

eg: 1. REQUESTS all nations to refrain from the use of force in international relations;

2. SUPPORTS the use of the various United Nations bodies for the settlement of international disputes;

3. CONGRATULATES all nations which choose to resolve their disputes in a peaceful fashion.


What are the three things required when making a motion for an moderated caucus?

Length, speaking time, topic

eg: motion for a 10:45 on the topic of mitigating financial contagion.

Total length must be divisible by the individual speaking time.


What is the difference between "present" and "present and voting"?

Delegates who are marked as present are allowed to abstain during votes on resolutions while those who are marked as 'present and voting' cannot abstain.


The term for the process of a country and the IMF reaching an agreement with the IMF on a program of economic policies it will commit to undertake and enact.

Policy conditionality


Organize these statements in order of most disruptive to least disruptive:

  • a. Motion for 10 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time

  • b. Motion for 12 min. Moderated Caucus, 30 sec speaking time

  • c. Motion for 11 min. Moderated Caucus, 30 sec speaking time

  • d. Motion for 12 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time

b. Motion for 12 min. Moderated Caucus, 30 sec speaking time

d. Motion for 12 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time

c. Motion for 11 min. Moderated Caucus, 30 sec speaking time

a. Motion for 10 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time


What is a pre-ambulatory clause?

A pre-ambulatory clause of a resolution states the reasons for which the committee is addressing the topic and highlights past international action on the issue. 

eg: AFFIRMING the principals of the UN Charter in regards to the non-usage of force in international relations,

SEEKING solutions to international problems without the use of force,

DEEPLY CONCERNED that some nations still consider the use of force acceptable,


Can you motion to extend an extension?

No! You can make a new mod with the same speaking time and topic, but a motion to extend an extension is dilatory.


What is the difference between a friendly and unfriendly amendment?

Friendly amendment: proposed change to a resolution that has the support of all of the sponsors. Automatically passes.

Unfriendly amendment: proposed change to a resolution that does not have the support of every sponsor. 


Why did the Thai Baht collapse in July, 1997?

Thailand faced months of speculative pressure that depleted their foreign exchange reserves and forced them to float their currency (allowing its value to fluctuate in relation to the supply and demand of other currencies). 


Organize these statements in order of most disruptive to least disruptive

a. Motion to Previous Question

b. Motion for 9 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time on Refugees rights

c. Motion to Recess

d. Motion for 9 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time on fruits of the unmod

c. Motion to Recess

d. Motion for 9 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time on fruits of the unmod

b. Motion for 9 min. Moderated Caucus, 45 sec speaking time on preventing future economic crises.

a. Motion to Previous Question


What is the vote threshold required to pass a resolution?

2/3rd's majority


What happens when you get two identical motions for a moderated caucus, which would be more disruptive?

1. Motion for an 6:45 on economic reforms in Southeast Asian countries.

2. Motion for a 6:45 on how to preserve the authority of the IMF

The motion that is proposed first gets voted on first.

1. Motion for an 6:45 on economic reforms in Southeast Asian countries.

2. Motion for a 6:45 on how to preserve the authority of the IMF


The motion to enter voting procedure is a different motion from a motion to vote on resolutions. True or false. Make a motion to vote on a resolution that includes a reading period, presentation and Q&A.

Motion to vote on all resolutions in the order received with a two minute reading period, 2 minute presentation, and a 2 minute Q&A.


What are the crisis elements that are incorporated into our committee?

Crisis drops and directives. There will be some sort of drop in committee that a country has requested aid from the IMF. Delegates will then pass a directive dictating what policies the country has to adopt in order to get loans from IMF.


What is right of reply and when it is allowed?

Used when a delegate believes a speech has made a personal affront, insult, or threat to their character, country, or self. Granting a right of reply is chair's discretion.

When granted, delegates will have the opportunity to prepare a written reply (that will be reviewed by the dias) and then read that reply outside of the speaker’s list


What is a division of the question and how does it work?

Allows for a individual section to be cut from the overall working paper. Requires 4 separate votes.

1. a vote to approve the motion (simple majority)

2. a procedural vote on each of the proposed divisions (to approve whether the question shall be divided) 

3. a substantive vote on each of the divided sections (to determine what shall be a part of the newly constructed paper) 

4. a substantive vote on the constructed working paper in its entirety with the divisions included