Publisher of the New York Journal. Added a color comic strip to his paper to improve sales.
Who is William Randolph Hearst?
A process in which immigrant families adopted some American beliefs and aspects of American culture.
What is assimilation?
The steel industry brought this main change to American architecture.
What are skyscrapers?
American reformer, she was active in the settlement house movement and led progressive reforms in labor conditions for women and children.
Who is Florence Kelley?
The industry most closely associated with the term “sweatshops”?
What is the clothing or textile industry?
Residential neighborhoods outside of cities.
What are suburbs?
Describe some of the results or effects of tenements?
What are diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera, high child death rates, fire, crime
Became famous for exposing the horrible conditions in NYC tenements through his photography and his book "How the Other Half Lives"
Who is Jacob Riis?