Immigrant journey
American life

In the CNN article assigned for homework, name a specific illegal organized system of crime that helps migrants enter the country un-lawfully.

What is human smuggling


What is one  central claim made by anti-immigrants that are fearful of immigrants entering the American work force?

What is the fear of immigrants "stealing jobs" from native-born workers

Name one entrepreneur who is the son of a Cuban immigrant and CEO of a large e-commerce company. 

Who is Jeff Bezos


Who said, "do not just show up…stay where you are and apply legally"

Who is President Biden


Name one difficulty immigrants face when assimilating to American culture

What are: language barriers, discrimination, financial struggles (answers may vary)


Name one reason immigrants choose to migrate to America (pull factors)

What are:

higher wages, high employment, higher standard of living, and/or educational opportunities


What ethnic group is being talked about recently for a untrue assumption that they are consuming peoples pets, such as cats and dogs?

What are Haitian immigrants


What areas of work do most immigrants specialize in that are considered lower skilled?

What is: construction, hospitality, agriculture, food service (answers may vary)


Name one politician/ex-President that calls for tougher border restrictions 

Who is Donald Trump


Name a major city in the US that is considered a sanctuary city for immigrants but now Mayor Eric Adams rejects this notion due to overwhelm.

What is New York City 


What are the unauthorized U.S. militia groups that patrol the Mexican border called?

What are 'Minute-men'


What is the perceived link between immigrants and crime rates in America?

What is the increase in crime rates in areas with higher immigrant populations


What type of American worker feels most threatened by the entry of immigrants into the American workforce?

What are low-skilled workers 


What is the only part of American law more complex than immigration?

What is the income tax


How do immigrants positively bolster the American economy?

 What is increasing the economy's productive capacity, which raises GDP


What does ICE stand for?

What is Immigration and Customs Enforcementt


In the assigned reading, Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects, what is the most important contribution immigrants can make in the United States?

What is children


This group of people have a high entrepreneurial spirit and contribute to innovation in the business sector of the American workforce

What are immigrants 


Name  a COVID-19 public health restriction affecting migrants at the US-Mexico border

What is Title 42


Name some ways in which immigrants have impacted American culture 

What is:

  • Food: Immigrants have introduced new foods to the American diet.
  •  Music: Immigrants have brought Latin influences to mainstream American pop music.
  • Literature, film, and TV: Immigrants and their children have written books and created movies and TV shows that reflect immigrant experiences and contemporary issues
  • Fashion
  • Innovation and the creation of new businesses (think Bezos and Amazon)

ICE detention centers are operated similar to what penal system we have in the U.S.?

What is a prison system


According to the reading, Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects, who is most likely to drop out of high-school, immigrants or native-born Americans.

What are native-born Americans.


What is one way in which people believe immigrants put pressure on public services?

What is disproportionately receiving public benefits such as health care, schooling, and welfare. 


What administration is will make it easier for immigration officers to remove those without a lawful basis to remain and reduce the burden on our Border Patrol agents.

What is the Biden-Harris Administration


Name a proficiency skill most immigrants struggle with upon their arrival to America

What is language