Business Leaders
Industrial Terms
Business Expansion

This immigration processing station is located in NYC served as a point of entry for immigrants from Europe. It was welcoming and beautiful, with immigrants usually staying for only a few hours.

What is Ellis Island?


This Scottish Immigrant established the American Steel industry. He would later become a philanthropist, even donating money to build Springfield City Library.  

Who was Andrew Carnegie?


Someone who donates a large amount of money, their time, or other resources to a cause or social issue to improve the lives of other human beings.

What is philanthropist?


A group of workers who come together to advocate for their interests in the workplace. Improving hours, pay, safety concerns, etc.

What is a union?


This immigration processing station was located in San Francisco was designed like a prison, and immigrants from Asia, particularly many Chinese immigrants, were detained there for extended periods. Some even carved poems on the walls.

What is Angel Island?


This American financier and investment banker bought and organized corporations all over the country.

Who was J.P. Morgan?

Taxes on foreign goods meant to encourage consumers to buy American made goods.

What are tariffs?


The business strategy where a company expands its operations by buying out their competition.

What is horizontal integration?


The ideology that that people born in America are superior to immigrants, accompanied by extreme dislike of immigrants by those born in America.

What is nativism?


This oil tycoon was arguably the richest man to have ever lived. His company Standard Oil dominated the industry.

Who was John D. Rockefeller?


a factory or workshop, especially in the textile industry, where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long hours and under poor conditions.

What is a sweatshop?


The business strategy where a company controls multiple stages of a product's production, from raw materials to retail.

What is vertical integration?


This artistic expression was found carved into the walls of the immigration processing station in San Francisco Bay.

What is poetry?


This tycoon built immense wealth through monopolization of the railroad industry. There is a university in his name in Nashville, TN.

Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt?


This type of person starts their own business and takes on financial risk.

What is an entrepreneur?


A group of independent businesses that work together to limit competition and increase profits.

What is a cartel?


This piece of legislation suspended certain immigration for ten years and declared specific immigrants ineligible for naturalization.

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?


This type of industrialist is willing to exploit their workforce, dominate their competition, and conduct themselves in unethical ways in order to become ruthlessly successful.

What is a robber baron?


This type of business owner is someone who owns or manages a large, successful business or company and is motivated by improving society at large.

What is a captain of industry?


Situation when a single corporation has significant control over the production or sale of a product or service, limiting the ability of other firms to compete. It leads to higher prices and less quality goods.

What is a monopoly?