"The New Colossus"
"Ellis Island"
"Achieving the American Dream"
Angel Island
"Tears of Autumn"
The following lines represent this : With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/ The wretched refuse of your teeming shore./ Send these, the homeless , tempest tost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
What is that all immigrants should be allowed to enter into America ?
This is the epithet used to describe Ellis Island.
What is the island of the tall woman?
The following is not true about Cuomo's parents. a) they believed n hard work b) they lacked a formal education c) they met and fell in love in America d) They were a positive role model for thier children.
What is c, they met and fell in love in America?
According to the following passage, The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is significant in American History because of this: In 1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. The act was designed to stop nearly all immigration from China. Although a few lawmakers spoke out against the bill, it was passed overwhelmingly. The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first law ever passed in the United States that excluded immigrants from a specific ethnic group. The Chinese Exclusion Act did allow some Chinese to immigrate – such as teachers, students, merchants, and those related to American citizens. Chinese who sought admission to the United States after 1882 had to go through a rigorous screening process to prove that they qualified for admission. Not until 1943, when the Chinese Exclusion Act was lifted, were Chinese from all backgrounds allowed to immigrate to the United States.
What is that it was the first time the United States did not allow immigrants into the country based on their race?
Based on this passage, this is how Hana felt about coming to America. She was thin and small, her dark eyes shadowed in her pale face, her black hair piled high in a pompadour that seemed too heavy for so slight a woman. She clung to the moist rail and breathed the damp salt air deep into her lungs. Her body seemed leaden and lifeless, as though it were simply the vehicle transporting her soul to a strange new life, and she longed with childlike intensity to be home again in Oka Village.
What is remorsful?
This is why "Mother of Exiles" is a good epithet for the Statue of Liberty.
What is because America is considered the country that would welcome people forced to leave their homelands for various reasons?
This is "the answerer of dreams" in the lines: "Like millions of others,/ I to come to this island,/ nine decades the answerer of dreams."
What is Ellis Island?
This is the main idea from "Achieving the American Dream".
What is it is possible to be a successful American while still embracing the culture from where you immigrated.
According to this passage, a queue is this. In additions to the violence, Chinese also faced legal harassment. State and local governments passes numerous laws directed at Chinese, from an ordinance that forced Chinese to shave off their queues (braids of hair) to a tax that forced many Chinese laundries out of business. Like African Americans in the South, Chinese were prohibited from attending public schools with white children.
What is a braid of hair?
Based on this passage, a tatami mat is this. If only she could see a familiar face, eat a meal without retching, walk on solid ground, and stretch out at night on a tatami mat instead of in a hard narrow bunk. She thought now of seeking the warm shelter of her bunk but could not bear to face the relentless smell of fish that penetrated the lower decks.
What is Hana's bed at home?
The word awe means this.
What is an overwhealming feeling of admiration?
This is who is being referred to in these lines: "Another voice speaks/ of native lands. within this nation/ lands invaded..."
Who are the Native Americans?
This is the meaning of Apprehension in the following sentence. "Mario Cuomo's immigrant parents felt both hope and apprehension about coming to America."
What is fearful anticipation?
According to this passage, this is why the immigrant was frightened and intimidated. After each question, the interrogator would stop for a long time and look at my expression before continuing. It took more than an hour for each interrogation. The inspector’s attitude was non-threatening and pleasant, but I felt frightened and threatened anyway, having listened to people who returned to the village tell of interrogations.”
What is becasue he remembered stories of people who returned to the village telling of interrogations?
This is why Hana wants to go to America.
What is because she wants to escape the life that she will have to live if she stays in Japan?
The word colossal means this.
What is so great in size, force or extent that it elicits awe?
In "Ellis Island", European Immigrants view Ellis Island asa symbol of this.
What is a land of promise?
This is the meaning of the word ancestral in the following sentence. "We can love this nation like a parent and still embrace our ancestral home like cherished grandparents."
What is having to do with those from whom a person is descended?
The treatment of Chinese immigrants can best be described as this.
What is unfair?
These is/are the reasons why Hana wants to leave for Japan.
What are: She does not want to live the life like her sisters, she wants to escape the smothering life of her village, and she does not want to marry a farmer?
This is "the mighty woman with the torch" in the poem.
What is the Statue of Liberty?
In "Ellis Island", Native Americans view Ellis Island as a symbol of this.
What is an invasion by European immigrants?
This is the meaning of immersed in the following passage. "From my earliest days, I felt immersed in the culture and traditions of my parents' homeland. I grew up speaking Italian. I heard story after story from my parents and relatives about life in the Old Country."
What is to be absorbed into something; thrust or throw into?
This is the tone of the following poem. Each day my sorrow increases as I stay on Island/ My face, as well, grows sallow and my body thin./ My detention and mistreatment has not yet ended./ I recall the ship starting off for the land of America./ Looking back, the moon has repeated a cycle.
What is sad, depressed and unhappy?
This is what the the word narrative means.
What is a story?