Push/Pull Factors
US Policies
Upon Entering
New Groups
Old Groups
These would make someone want to come to another country.
What are pull factors?
These types of policies are meant to do BLANK to the amount of new immigrants coming in.
What is restrict?
This place in New York City was the checkpoint for new immigrants to be inspected.
What is Ellis Island?
This group first came during the 1949 Gold rush, helped build the railroads, and left because of a war back home.
Who are the Chinese?
Most of the people that did not like the groups had been looked highly upon since they came to the US (True or False)
False. The people that showed the most resentment to the new groups were usually the people that were most recently resented.
These make people want to leave their current country.
What are push factors?
This particular group of people in 1882 was not allowed any new immigrants into the US and the ones already here were not allowed to become citizens
Who are the Chinese?
This place was in San Francisco to check those new immigrants on boats from Asia.
What is Angel Island?
This group escaped persecution in Russia and worked very hard in schools with a wide set of skills
Who are the Jews?
The people from these directions of Europe had been the long-standing people of America
What are Northern and Western Europe?
Examples of this would be the railroads, ships and other modes of transportation that made it easier for immigrants to come to the US.
What are pull factors?
In order to "Americanize" new immigrants, these were set up to help their offspring learn to read and write, as well as be good citizens.
What are public schools?
This was performed to check the physical status of each immigrant that came to the US
What is a medical exam?
This group was able to come to the US for just seasons at a time to help out on Southwestern farms and build railroads.
Who are the Mexicans?
This acronym was given to the people from the long-standing directions of Europe. The "Pure" Americans
Who are White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs)
Civil War in a country would be an example of this.
What is a push factor?
The Immigration policies of 1921 and 1924 set these two numbers as the percentage of people from that nation allowed into the country each year.
What is 2% and 3%?
This would be done to new immigrants if they did not pass inspection.
What is deported home?
These people left because of lack of good farmland at home, and often lacked education and sent their kids to work in factories
Who are the Italians?
The first wave of immigrants to the US during the 1880s mostly came from these nations.
What are Ireland, Germany, N & W Europe?
These people would leave because of religious or political persecution. The US had a poem to support this saying: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free"
What are refugees?
Policies from the two different Immigration Acts were based off of numbers from this US Census.
What is the US Census of 1890?
A law by Congress in 1917 made immigrants prove this before entering the US
What is prove they could read/write English?
Most of the immigrants from Europe came from these "Directions" of the continent. (think of a compass)
What are Southern and Eastern Europe?
This is the number of new immigrants that came to the US between 1890 and 1920
What is 23 million immigrants?