infectious or non-infectious disease
a malignant growth or tumor resulting from the division of abnormal cells.
CANCER is a non-infectious disease
true or false
the first defense of the immune system is specific
which is part of the 2nd defense of the immune system?
A.white blood cell
B. killer T cells
c. Skin
Answer white blood cell
What is the responsibility of the b cell
B Cells produce antibodies that bind to specific antigens on the pathogens .Each B cell makes one specific type of antibody
What is artifical immunity
B-Cells produce antibodies and Memory B-Cells are made.Then, when our bodies come in contact with the live pathogen in the future, the body is able to respond quickly to the pathogen, before we get sick.
infectious or non-infectious disease
an acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979.
infectious is the right answer
which cells is part of the first defense of the immune system.
A.killer t cell
B. B cell
c. antibody
D. mucas
Is the 2nd line of defense specfic or nonspecfic
True or false
helper T cells are the first defense of the specific defense of the immune system?
Answer True
ARE vaccines natural or artifical immunity
T Answer artifical
infectious or non-infectious disease
Heart Disease
Advertising & Sponsorship. The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with the term "cardiovascular disease." Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
Heart Disease is non-infectious disease
What is a pathogen?
Microscopic invader, germ or microbe, that causes disease
What is the responsibility of a Macrophage?
They destroy pathogens by surrounding and “eating” them.They are nonspecific because they will attack any pathogen.
what is the definition of an antigen
Antigens are proteins that are attached to the outside of pathogens. Each pathogen has unique antigens.
what do vaccines do?
DJ Vaccines are injections of dead or disabled pathogens.The purpose is to protect our bodies against future pathogens.
infectious or non-infectious disease
an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, capable of producing severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in older people and those with underlying health conditions. It was originally identified in China in 2019 and became pandemic in 2020.
T covid19 is an infectious
Name three differnt defense of the first defense of the immune system
Mucus (a slimy substance)
Cilia (small hairs)
Sneezing and Coughing
Defintion of inflamatory response?
Occurs when tissues are injured by pathogens
The damaged cell releases chemicals that cause blood vessels to leak fluid, causing the area to swell and produce heat.This can cause fevers.White blood cells are attracted to the area to try to get rid of the pathogens.
Name three difrent spcific defense of the immune system.
Dj b cells, helper t cells , antiboides , macropage and killer T cells
what virus was the first vaccine created for?
b. the black death
Answer small pox
infectious or non-infectious disease
Chronic Lung Disease
Chronic lung disease may be caused by smoking tobacco or by breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke, chemical fumes, dust, or other forms of air pollution. Types of chronic lung disease include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, asbestosis, pneumonitis, and other lung conditions.
Chronic Lung Disease is a non-infectious disease
what is the first defense of the immune systems main part?
The first line of defense is to prevent pathogens from entering the body.
What does non specific defense mean?
Nonspecific Defenses work against any type of pathogen
what is the defintion of antibody?
Y-Shaped proteins made by B-CellsAre specifically designed to attach to a specific pathogen’s antigens Slow pathogens down so that other white blood cells can come attackCan only attack a specific type of invader.
what is the differnce between natural and artifical immunty?
The differnce i that natural immunty is made by your body so that it will remeber next time you catch thi sicksness.And artifical immunty is when you take a shot with of dead or disabled pathogens.Wich also create memory b cells and help you stop from getting it.Also vaccines are a big way how pandmics end.