Health Promotion of Infant (2 Days to 1 Years)
Health Promotion of Toddlers (1 to 3 Years)
Health Promotion of Toddlers (3 to 6 Years)
Health Promotion of School-Age Children (6 to 12 Years)
Health Promotion of School-Age Children (12 to 20 Years)

A nurse is assisting with collecting data from 12-month-old infant during a well-child visit. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider?

A. Closed anterior fontanel

B. Eruption of six teeth

C. Birth weight doubled

D. Birth length increase by 50%

What is birth weight doubled

Rational: By age of 12 months, the infant's birth weight should have tripled. Therefore, report this findings to the provider. 


A nurse is collecting data from a 2.5 year old toddler at a well-child visit. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider?

A. Height increased by 7.5 cm (3 in) in the past year.

B. Head circumference exceeds chest circumference.

C. Anterior and posterior fontanels are closed.

D. Current weight equals four times the birth weight.

What is Head circumference exceeds chest circumference.

Rational: The head and chest circumference should be egual by 1 to 2 years of age, with the chest circumference continuing to increase in size until it exceeds the head circumference. Thereforw, report this finding to the provider.


A nurse is reinforcing teaching to the guardian of a preschooler about methods to promote sleep. Which of the following statements by the guardian indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. "I will sleep in the bed with my child if she wakes up during the night."

B. "I will let my child stay up an additional2 hours on the weekend nights."

C. "I will let my child watch television for 30 minutes just before bedtime each night."

D. "I will keep a dim lamp on in my child's room during the night."

What is "I will keep a dim lamp on in my child's room during the night."

Rationale: Leaving a light on in the child's room is an appropriate method to promote sleep for a preschool-age child.


A nurse is participating in a discussion about prepubescence and preadolescence with a group of guardians of school-age children. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the discussion?

A. Initial physiologic changes appear during early childhood.

B. Changes in height and weight occur slowly during this period.

C. Growth differences between boys and girls become evident.

D. Sexual maturation becomes highly visible in boys.

What is growth differences between boys and girls become evident.

Rationale: Plan to include in the discussion that growth differences between boys and girls become evident.


A nurse is assisting in teaching a class about puberty in boys. Which of the following should the nurse include as the first manifestation of sexual maturation?

A. Pubic hair growth

B. Vocal changes

C. Testicular enlargement

D. Facial hair growth

What is Testicular enlargement

Rationale:Testicular enlargement is the first manifestation of sexual maturation in males.


A nurse is collecting data during a developmental screening on a 10-month old infant. Which of the following fine motor skills should the nurse expect the infant to perform? (SATA)

A. Grasp a rattle by the handle

B. Try building a two block tower

C. Use a crude pincer grasp

D. Place objects into a container

E. Walks with one hand held

What is grasp a rattle by the handle,

use a crude pincer grasp

Rationale: The infant should be able to grasp a rattle by the handle at the age of 10 months. The infant should be able to use a crude pincer grasp at the age of 9 months.


A nurse is assisting with a development screening on an 18-month-old. Which of the following skills should the toddler be able to perform? (SATA)

A. Build a tower with six blocks

B. Throw a ball overhand

C. Walk up and down stairs

D. Stand on one foot for a fewseconds

E. Use a spoon without rotation

What is Throw a ball overhand,

Use a spoon without rotation

Rational: An 18 month old should be able to throw a ball overhand. An 18 month old should be able to use a spoon without rotation.


A nurse is collecting data from a 3-year-old child during a well-child visit. Which of the following gross motor skills should the nurse expect the child to perform?

A. Ride a tricycle

B. Hop on one foot

C. Jump rope

D. Throw a ball overhead

What is Ride a tricycle

Rationale: A 3 year old child should be able to ride a tricycle.


A nurse is assisting with providing education about age-appropriate activities for the caregivers of a 6-year-old child. Which of the following activities should the nurse include in the teaching?

A. Jumping rope

B. Playing table games

C. Solving jigsaw puzzles

D. Joining competitive sports

What is jumping rope

Rationale: Recommended activities (playing hopscotch, jumping rope, riding bicycles, and joining organized sports).


A nurse is reinforcing teaching about expected changes during puberty to a group of guardians of early adolescent girls. Which of the following statements by one of the guardians indicates an understanding of the information?

A. "Girls usually stop growing about 2 years after menarche."

B. "Girls are expected to gain about 65 pounds during puberty."

C. "Girls experience menstruation prior to breast development."

D. "Girls typically grow more than 10 inches during puberty."

What is "Girls usually stop growing about 2 years after menarche."

Rationale: Girls usually stop growing about 2 years after menarche. This statement by the guardian indicates an understanding of the taeching.


A nurse is collecting data during a well-baby visit with 4-month old infant. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse plan to administer to the infant?

A. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

B. Polio (IPV)

C. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV)

D. Varicella 

E. Rotavirus vaccine (RV)

What is Polio (IPV), 

Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV), 

Rotatvirus vaccine (RV)

Rationale:Administer an Polio IPV, Pneumococcal PCV, Rotatvirus vaccines to a 4-month old infant. The CDC and Prevention recommendations for healthy infants .


The nurse in the pediatric clinic is planning care for a 2-month-old client who has been brought to the clinic for a well-child exam and 2-month immunizations. The infant is afebrile and does not exhibit signs of a respiratory infection. The mother tells the nurse that the child developed a rash and difficulty breathing after the mother applied Neosporin ointment to a scrape on the baby's leg. The nurse knows which vaccines are safe to administer to the child? (SATA)

A. Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP)

B. Rotavirus

C. Haemophilus influenzae type b

D. Pneumococcal (PCV)

E. Hepatitis B (Hib)

What is Rotavirus,

Hepatitis B,


Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,

Haemophilus influenzae type b

The immunizations administered to healthy 2-month-old infants with no allergies include rotavirus, hepatitis B, pneumococcal, inactivated poliovirus, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), and Haemophilus influenzae type b. However, the provider should be consulted before the inactivated poliovirus vaccine is given to the child with a history of allergy to neomycin.



A nurse is assisting an education program for a group of caregivers of preschoolers about promoting optimum nutrition. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the program?

A. Saturated fats should equal 20% of total daily caloric intake.

B. Average calorie intake should be 1,800 calories per day.

C. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables should total 2 servings.

D. Healthy diets include a total of 8 g of protein each day. 

What is Average calorie intake should be 1,800 calories perday.

Rationale: Preschool age children should consume an average of 1,800 calories/day. 


A nurse will screen school-age children by examining for lateral curvature of the spine before and during growth spurts. Screening can take place at school or a health care facility is called?

A. Herniated disc

B. Kyphosis

C. Scoliosis

D. Spondylosis

What is Scoliosis

Rationale: The goal of scoliosis screening is to detect scoliosis at an early stage when the deformity is likely to go unnoticed and there is an opportunity for a less invasive method of treatment or less surgery. 


A nurse is caring for an adolescent whose guardian expresses concerns about the child sleeping such long hours. Which of the following conditions should the nurse inform the guardian as requiring additional sleep during adolescence?

A. sleep terrors

B. Rapid growth

C. Elevated zinc levels

D. Slowed metavolism

What is Rapid growth

Rationale: Rapid growth and increased metabolism during the adolescent years result in the need for additional sleep (9 hours).


A nurse is reinforcing teaching about when introducing new foods to the guardians of a 4 month old infant. The nurse should recommend that the caregiver introduce which of the following foods first?

A. strained yellow vegetables

B. Iron-fortified cereals

C. Pureed fruits

D. Whole milk

What is Iron-Fortified cereals

Rationale: Iron-fortified cereals are the first solid food introduced due to the high iron content. The order of introducing solid foods after this is variable.


A nurse is reinforcing teaching about growth and development characteristics to the guardian of a 2-year old toddler. Which of the following statements by the guardian indicates an understanding of the teaching?

A. "My child should be able to turn the pages of a book one at a time."

B. "My child should be able to walk on their tiptoes for several steps."

C. "My child should be able to cut out an outline using scissors."

D. "My child should be able to put the toys away after using them."

What is "My child should be able to turn the pages of a book one at a time."

Rational: The statement by the guardian indicates an understanding of the expected growth and development information provided by the nurse. A 2 year old toddler should be able to turn pages in a book one at a time.


A nurse is caring for a preschooler who expresses the need to leave because their doll is scared to be at home alone. Which of the following characteristics of preoperational thought is the child exhibiting?

A. Egocentrism

B. Centration

C. Animism

D. Magical thinking

Wha is Animism

Rationale: Animism occurs when the child gives living qualities to inanimate objects (a doll feeling scared).


A nurse is assisting with conducting a well chlid visit with a child who is scheduled to receive the recommended immunizations for 11 to 12 year olds. Which of the following immunization should the nurse administer? (SATA)

A. Inactivated influenza (IIV) 

B. Pneumococcal (PCV)

C. Meningococcal (MenB-4C)

D. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis (Tdap)

E. Rotavirus (RV)

What is Inactivated influenza (IIV)

 Meningococcal (MenB-4C)

Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis (Tdap)

Rationale: Recommended immunizations for 11to 12 year olds are Inactivated influenza (IIV), Meningococcal (MenB-4C), Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis (Tdap) from the CDC


A nurse is assisting with providing anticipatory guidance to the caregiver of a 13-year-old adolescent. Which of the following screenings should the nurse recommend for the adolescent? (SATA)

A. Body mass index

B. Blood led level

C. 24-hr dietry recall

D. Weight

E. Scoliosis

Waht is Body mass index



Rationale:Health screening should be conducted annually during the adolescent years such as scoliosis, height, weight, hemoglobin & hematocrit, universal lipid screenings, and screenings for STIs if sexually active.

ATI Book: Foundations of Nursing Care of Children pages 35-36


A nurse is reinforcing teaching about dental care and teething to the caregiver of a 9-month old infant. Which of the following statements by the caregiver suggests an understanding of the teaching?

A. "I can give my baby a warm teething ring to relieve discomfort."

B. "I should clean my baby's teeth with a cool, wet wash cloth."

C. "I can give Advil for up to 5 days while my baby is teething."

D. "I should place diluted juice in the bottle my baby drinks while falling asleep."

What is "I should clean my baby's teeth with a cool, wet wash cloth"

Rationale: It is appropraite to use a cool, wet wash cloth for cleaning the infant's teeth. 


A nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the adoptive parents of a toddler. Which of the following information should the nurse include? (SATA)

A. Develop food habits that will prevent dental caries.

B. Meeting caloric needs results in an increased appetite.

C. Expression of bedtime fears is common.

D. Expect behaviors associated with negativism and ritualism.

E. Annual screenings for phenylketonuria are important.

What is Develop food habits that will prevent dental caries.

Expression of bedtime fearsis common.

Expect behaviors associated with negativism and ritualism.

Rational: The roddler is developing taste preferences., the development of food habits that will prevent dental caries should be included in the anticipatory guidance. Expression of bedtime fears is common for toddlers and should be included in the aniticipatory guidance. Negativism and ritualism are exhibited by toddlers as they seek autonmy, and associated behaviors should be included in the anticipatory guidance.


A nurse is conducting a well-child visit with a 5 year old child who is up to date with current immunizations. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse plan to administer to the child? (SATA)

A. Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP)

B. Inactivated poliovirus (IPV)

C. Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

D. Pneumococcal (PCV)

E. Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib)

What is Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP),

 Inactivated poliovirus (IPV),

 Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

Rational: Recommended immunizations for 4-to-6 year olds, and should be administered by the nurse DTaP, IPV, and MMR


A nurse is assisting with teaching a course about safety during the school age. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the course? (SATA)

A. Gating stairs at the top and bottom

B. Wearing helmets when riding bicycles or skateboarding

C. Riding safety in bed of pickup trucks 

D. Implementing firearm safety

E. Wearing seat belts

What is Wearing helmets when riding bicycles or skateboarding

Implementing firearm safety

Wearing seat belts

Rationale: When assisting with safety in the school age years, include information about wearing helmets when riding bicycles or skateboarding, implementing firearm safety, and waering seat bealts at all time when in vehicles.


What are some nutrition health promotions should the nurse assist guardians of adolescents to promote physical and mental development.

A. Guardians use food as a reward 

B. Reinforce physical activity

C.Reinforce that a balanced diet is consumed by following the USDA healthy diet recommendations.

D.Overeating or undereating is not a challenge during adolescent years

E. Encourage adolescents to make healthy food selections for meals and snacks.

What is Reinforce physical activity

Reinforce that a balanced diet is consumed by following the USDA healthy diet recommendations.

Encourage adolescents to make healthy food selections for meals and snacks.

Rationale: Rapid growth and high metabolism require increases in quality nutrients and make adolescents unable to tolerate caloric restrictions. Overeating can cause overweight and obesity with can lead to anorexia and bulimia in this age group. Also being underweight can cause concern of not eating enough. During this time additional calcium, iron, protein, and zinc is needed.