Savings and Savings accounts
Careers and Income goals
Savings VS. Investing
A card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase is known as what?
What is a Debt Card
What are ways that we can become "savers?"
What is we have to write down specific goals and budget that we want to reach.
It is very important to have at least the smallest idea of of what you want to do as a...
What is a career.
Long term goals are usually how long away?
What is 4 to 5 years.
What is the 4th benefits of an IRS definition?
What is Special benefits, services, or privileges are not received as a result of making the payment. The payment is not a fine or penalty that is imposed under the powers of the government.
Can be viewed as an involuntary contribution required by law to finance the functions of the government is known as what?
What is a Tax.
What is living within your means?
What is spending the same amount and slowly going into debt.
Handsome what usually come with success ?
What is Financial Rewards.
How long away are short term goals?
What is 3 years or less.
What are the 1st and 2nd IRS definition?
What is The payment to the governmental authority is required by law. The payment is required in accordance with the legislative power to tax.
What is based on a flat percentage of the selling price of a product or service?
What is a Sales Tax.
What does it mean to live beneath your means?
What is it when you spend less than you make.
What is the most important thing to do when you choose a job?
What is to make sure you enjoy it.
If you were to put money in saving can you or can you not access it anytime?
What is you can access it at anytime.
What is the 3rd IRS definition?
What is The purpose of requiring the payment is to provide revenue to be used for public or governmental purposes.
A signature by the creator of an instrument, such as a check, which enables any holder of the instrument to assert a claim for payment is also known for what?
What is a Blank Endorsement.
What are you issued when you first open up a savings account?
What is a Passbook.
The most important thing in determining what is enjoying what you do?
What is Career Satisfaction.
Would it be easier or harder to get money out if it was in investing?
What is harder.
" Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society." who said this quote about taxes?
What is Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
A method for estimating an investment's doubling time is what?
What is a Rule of 72.
What is living above your means?
What is that you are spending more than you make to extend yourself financially.
By evaluating your personal experiences and taking advantage of what might help you decide what career you might enjoy?
What is Career-oriented preference test.
If you were trying to get you're money out of your investments would it take a short period or a long period?
What is a long period of time.
Are taxes on personal property more common or less common then taxes on real property?
What is less common.