How ____ animals are in danger of extinction?
a) many
b) much
a) many
There are ____ pandas in the wild, so they need protection.
a) a few
b) a little
a) a few
The leopard moves ____ through the grass to catch its prey.
a) slowly
b) quickly
Answer: a) slowly
What is the Dutch translation of "ecosystem"?
a) Dierentuin
b) Ecosysteem
c) Terugkeren
d) Fauna
Answer: b) Ecosysteem
What is the English translation of "zoogdier"?
a) Mammal
b) Carnivore
c) Herbivore
d) Poacher
Answer: a) Mammal
How ____ time do we have left before the zoo closes?
a) many
b) much
b) much
The worker only found ____ endangered animals in the area.
a) a few
b) a little
Answer: a) a few
Workers in the sanctuary handle the animals ____ to avoid stress.
a) gently
b) roughly
Answer: a) gently
What is the Dutch translation of "poacher"?
a) Worker
b) Stroper
c) Animal
d) Worker
Answer: b) Stroper
Which one is the odd one out? (That doesn't fit in)
a) Sanctuary
b) Zoo
c) Mountain
d) Reserve
Answer: c) Mountain
(geen instelling voor dierenbescherming)
There are ____ endangered species in captivity.
a) much
b) a lot of
b) a lot of
There is ____ chance of saving the species if we don't act now.
a) a few
b) a little
Answer: b) a little
The adverb form of "easy" is _____
(Mind your spelling!)
Answer: Easily
Which one is the odd one out? (That doesn't fit in)
a) Dierentuin
b) Fauna
c) Leefomgeving
d) Regenwoud
Answer: a) Dierentuin
Uitleg: De andere woorden (Fauna, Leefomgeving, en Regenwoud) hebben te maken met de natuur en het milieu, terwijl "Dierentuin" verwijst naar een plek waar dieren worden gehouden in gevangenschap.
Which one is the odd one out? (That doesn't fit in)
a) Rehabilitation
b) Poacher
c) Release
d) Conservation
Answer: b) Poacher
Uitleg: De andere woorden (Rehabilitation, Release en Conservation) hebben te maken met de bescherming en het herstel van dieren, terwijl "Poacher" verwijst naar iemand die illegaal dieren jaagt of schade toebrengt aan de natuur.
Put the words in the correct order.
endangered / many / are / species / there
Answer: There are many endangered species.
The workers only found a few water in the river.
Correct the mistake.
Fout: a few → a little
The workers only found a little water in the river.
The adverb form of "fast" is _____
Match the Dutch words with the correct English translation.
1. Dierentuin / 2. Stroper / 3. Toevluchtsoord / 4. Reservaat
a. Reserve / b. Sanctuary / c. Zoo / d. Poacher
1 → c
2 → d
3 → b
4 → a
The Dutch translation of the word:
Mammal = _______
Answer: zoogdier
Wat is de vertaling van 'hoeveel' in het Engels als het ontelbaar is?
how much
Wat is de vertaling van 'weinig' in het Engels als het ontelbaar is?
The adverb form of "good" is _____
Answer: Well
The English translation of the word:
Leefomgeving = _______
Answer: Habitat
The Dutch translation of the word:
Release = _______
Answer: Vrijlaten