Digital Expansion
Electronic Documents
Web Searches
Crowd Sourcing

Name 5 everyday digital devices.

- light switch



-vehicle (odometer)

-parking meter


What is Metadata?

Metadata is information about the document that the document itself holds


What is caching?

Storing copies of a file in temporary storage.


What is an example of a computing innovation that uses crowd sourcing?

Citizen Science App


What is one way that has technology impacted lives in ways that did not exist years ago?

Expedited communication through social media (text, facetime, pictures, tweets)


Give three examples of Metadata about a Google Doc.

Name of the creator, when it was created, other editors, when it was modified/ who modified it, data type, length of the document


What is the process where the bot goes through the internet collecting information from various websites called?



What is crowd sourcing?

Crowd sourcing is where data or information is collected from a large number of people via the Internet. It allows people to collaborate on a project by each contributing a small portion of the data, the funding, etc.


How is the future generation negatively affected by technology?  

Cyber bullying, body image, shorter attention span, etc.

What is the first step of abstract representation called?



What type of search does indexing use?

Binary search


What are some overall intended positive impacts of the Citizen Science App?

-helps improve quality of life

-education for upcoming generation

-improvements in the environment

-more knowledge is shared


Give an example of exponential growth.

Growth of cells, spread of diseases in pandemics, returns from compounding interest [on investment]


Fill in the blanks:

______ ______, ______ ______, and ____ is an open standard for file formats, software development method to practice peer review, and freedom to edit and distribute software respectively.

Open Document, Open Source, and Free


How is ranking of searches determined?

The searches are ranked in different orders based on different factors. This can be relevancy, originality, and reputation (of the author/source).


What are some overall unintended negative impacts of the Citizen Science App?

-Apps can have some electronic malfunctions

-unorganized operation due to no physical management

- privacy and security concerns


What is Moore's Law?

The density of integrated circuits seems to double every couple of years.


Explain how to reproduce a picture electronically (abstract representation).

reality—> modeling—---> representation or model—->rendering—-> image


How does the computer determines the relevance of the article or document to the query or what the user searched?

A mathematical equation is used to determine the relevance of a search.


Give a general example of data storage, security or privacy concern.

-apps may use user location 

-apps hold personal information

-crowd funding may link to funders personal info (money info)