Name that Place
Geographic Features
Impact of Geography
*The east is bordered by the Yellow Sea *The population is concentrated along coast and in the river valleys *Mountains, plateaus, and deserts dominate the western region To which country do all of these geographic statements apply?
What is China
Which feature would most often be shown on a political map?
What are capital cities
Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of ancient civilizations?
What are river valleys
How did topography and climate affect the history of Africa?
What is the development of diverse cultures
Which continent's economic and political development has been influenced by the Andes Mountains adn the Amazon River?
What is South America
Which feature would most likely be shown on a physical map?
What are mountain ranges
Which geographic feature made it difficult to unify South America?
What is the Andes Mountains
Both Inca farmers and Japanese farmers adapted a geographic feature of their countries by....
What is building terraces into the mountainsides/terrace farming
The term "Latin America" most accurately refers to...
What is areas of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States
Which letter on the map indicates the region where most of the world's known oil reserves are located?
What is A (Middle East)
Which geographic factor has helped China remain isolated for many centuries?
What is northern and western mountain ranges
The topography and climate of Russia have caused Russia to seek...
What is warm-water ports.
The climate of which country hindered the efforts of both Napoleon and Hitler in their attempts to conquer?
What is Russia
In which region did the following geographic factors have an impact on European exploration adn colonization? *The presence of watrefalls and rapids slowed river travel. *Highlands and steep cliffs limited exploration? *Large areas in the north and south received less than ten inches of rainfall annually.
What is B (Africa)
Italy, Korea, Spain and India are similar in that each is considered a(n)
What is peninsula
How did the introduction of agriculture affect early peoples?
What is civilizations developed.
This region has been designated as a "cultural crossroads" as a result of the region's strategic location.
What is the Middle East.
Which letter on the map indicates the region in which the Aztec and Mayan civilizations fourished.
What is D (Mexico)
Which geographic factor had the most influence on the development of Greek civilizations?
What is mountains.
During which period did the domestication of animals and growing of crops first occur?
What is Neolithic Revolution