Using lexile number to find appropriate text for individual student
What is Lexile differentiation?
The percentile that has a goal District-wide as 50%.
What is the "median conditional growth percentile"?
What is hot data?
Using pictures to SHOW the definition of a word
Grouping on MAPS testing will be used to give different groups different reading material.
What is text differention?
Giving students a different form of assessment that caters to their strengths (vocabulary test, spelling test)
What is differentiating assessments?
What is tapping into students culture for meaning?
Amanda Pickard first contact
Who is the RTI coordinator at the Elementary?
What is assessment differentiation?
Pre-generated groups in MAPS for different instructional areas
What is Class Profile?
Students have different primary and secondary sources to evaluate based on their level.
Students having hand signals for word definitions
collecting evidence of where students are at with their learning.
What is progress monitoring?
Having informal discussions with students throughout the class period to see where they are growing and where they could use extra help.
What is informal feedback?
Hot Data, Observations, MAPS data, DIBELS data, curriculum assessments.
What are different forms assessment to use to meet students where they are at?
Groups of students read an article and then mix with another group to learn about what the other group read.
What is Jigsawing?
Meet with students when whole group is done to see where they need extra explanation.
What is checking in with student?
Data that is collected on a regular basis that shows where students are at.
What is HOT DATA?
Meeting with students to discuss their progress on their work.
To meet students where THEY are at.
How can we use data?
Giving a student a checklist of a process that is used to solve a problem.
What is the differentiation of process?
speaking, listening, reading, writing
What are the assessed domains on ACCESS?
What activity has a great effect size in visible learning?