African leader who successfully resisted colonization
Who is Menelik II?
The colony considered the "Jewel in the Crown."
What is India?
An independent country controlled by private business interest.
What is Economic Imperialism?
War fought between British and Dutch farmers in South Africa
What is the Boer War?
It connects the Red and Mediterranean Seas
What is the Suez Canal?
This leader brutalized millions of Congolese when he created a personal empire
Who is Leopold II?
The Dutch colonized this 3000 mile long Island chain
What is Indonesia?
This is the ambition of powerful nations to dominate the the political, economic, and culture of another nation.
What is imperialism?
The battle that ensured the independence of Ethiopia
What is the Battle of Adwa?
She is credited with starting the army nursing profession
Who is Florence Nightingale?
He declared the Philippines to be an independent republic in 1899.
Who is Emilio Aguilnado?
Myanmar's former name
What is Burma?
This Indian Industry was restricted by the British
What is Textile?
The Crimean War revealed this empire had weaknesses
What is the Ottoman Empire?
The Geopolitical Struggle between Britain and Russia over the area of Central Asia
What is the Great Game?
He "cut the cake" at the Berlin Conference
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
France controlled this area of Southeast Asia from the 1840's-1950's
What is Indochina?
These imperial nations preferred the use of indirect control of their colonies
What is the United States and Britain?
This conflict began over a rumor about new rifle cartridges
What is the Sepoy Revolt?
This was the first conflict where journalists covered the war
What is the Crimean War?
This "Fruit" owner became the president of a Island republic in 1893
Who is Sanford B Dole?
This British colony became the busiest port in the world.
What is Singapore?
Chinese laborers were encouraged to immigrate to this European Power's colony of Malaysia.
What is Britain?
This conflict gave the U.S. the islands of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
What is the Spanish-American War?
Plant whose fibers are used to make products such as rope and burlap bags.
What is Jute?