What is Imperialism?
The extension of a county's power or influence, typically through force.
The poem claiming that it was the moral duty for the white races to conquer and civilize non-white races was known as what?
The White Man's Burden
When two planes were fighting each other in the air it was known as what?
When did WWI end?
November 11, 1918
Russia was well prepared for WWI
What is Naionalism?
Identification with one's own nation, even to the detriment of others
Why was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?
Serbian nationalists wanted to be free and independent from the colonizers
Biased information to promote a particular political view or idea
One of the treaties that officially ended WWI is known as The Treaty of....
The new Russian political party that used violent methods of revolution that came in to take control was...
The Bolsheviks
The country that takes over is the _____________________________ the country that gets taken over is the _____________________
mother country
territory or colony
What was the goal of the Black Hand pre WWI? (THE END GOAL AND DESIRE)
To liberate and unite all Serbian territories
This exposed Germany's plan and use for unrestricted Submarine warfare
Zimmermann Telegram
What were major factors that led to allied victory?
Industrialization, Weak Central Power allies, America Entry....etc
Peace Land Bread
Power to the Soviets
Worker control of Production
What are the 4 Ps of Imperialism?
Piety, Profits, Patriotism, Politics
What are the main reasons for WWI
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
What happened after the Eastern and Western Fronts came to a stalemate in the war?
Began implementing Trench Warfare
Self determination, reducing militarism, and establish peace and cooperation were the summary of what?
Wilson's 14 Points
The new name the Bolsheviks used
The period of conflict and colonization of Africa by major European countries was known as...
The Scramble for Africa
The two sides of World War I were known as the ___________ and _____________
Allied Powers and Central Powers
Name 4 major concerns of trench warfare
Rats, Trench Foot, Shell Shock, Hypothermia, Sickness, poor nutrition, dirty water, etc...
The Paris Peace Conference mostly revolved around what?
Forcing reparations and demilitarization upon Germany
4 Things the Bolsheviks did that led them to victory
Unified Goals, Strict Discipline, Fear/Terror, Strong Leaders