Opium Wars
Taiping Rebellion
The European Affects
Effects on Women

Who was the commissioner during the Opium Wars? 

Lin Zexu


What was the rebellion's goal? 

Taipings wanted to establish a new society with common property and equal status for men and women. They wanted to rebel for all the social inequalities they faced. 


What oppositions did the movement face? 

- Conservative officials who wanted to stick with traditional ways

- Didn't focus on social issues which caused upsets


What is one way that imperialism in China contradicted European Enlightenment views? 

- treated unequally due to race hierarchies 

- Denied China liberty and freedom to choose


Did Hakka women fight in their own regiments during the Taiping Rebellion? Yes or No.



Why did China restrict open trade with Britain? 

China concerned with widespread opium problem.

Who was Hong Xiuquan? 

The leader of the Taiping Rebellion


What did they want to modernize? 

They adopted new miliatry technology like arsenals and changed their military tactics to more western. 


What was the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842? 

Unequal treaty that forced China to open ports and forcefully trade their raw materials


Who is Qiu Jin, and what did she advocate for? 

She was a Chinese feminist and journalist who advocated for women's rights and independence. 


What did the Opium Wars do to China? Give an example. 

Left China weakened and open to exploitation by the European powers. Created opportunities for the "Spheres of Influence" to happen. 


What kind of war was the Taiping Revolution?

Civil War


Was this movement affective in the long run? 



Name three European powers that sought Chinese land






What was foot binding, and how did it affect women?

- They forced women's feet to be bound and molded into a certain shape, which it made it unimaginable for women to walk. 

- Reinforced the idea that women needed to be free of independence and rely on men to do this for them. 


Why did Britain smuggle Opium into China? 

China was uninterested in Britain's products and wanted to restrict trade. 


Give an example of one thing that was destroyed during the Taiping Rebellion. 

-Farm land



-trade networks/relations


What did China improve on? 

Infratsucure and existing systems 


What were the "Spheres of Influence"? 

The divison of Chinese land by European Powers


How were women treated when they got married? 

- They lost their identity and status when they were married off to their husbands. 

- They could be abused by their husbands or families, and no one spoke up for them. 

- They had little independence from their husbands


What were the Opium Wars? 

Britain responded to restricted trade with China by sending naval forces to China to allow the Opium trade again. 


What is the Taiping Rebellion? 

A peasant uprising focused on generating a social revolution against the Qing Empire. 


What was "Self-strengthening"?

To resist most modernization and remephasize chinese ideals 


Name one cause and effect

  • Causes: 

  1. Cutting of trading with Britain due to Opium Addiction

  2. China's government officials were corrupt and allowed the citizens to become addicted to opium by letting opium in.

  3. China's codependency on Britain now because of unstable economy and politics.  

  4. China turned to nationalism after he humiliation they faced by being taken over by Britain

  • Affects: 

  1. Led to China being at war with Britain and eventually getting taken over and forcefully having ports put on their land and raw materials extracted.  

  2. Citizens became addicted to opium

  3. The economy was under pressure due to porcelain, silk, and tea being traded away

  4. Increased effort of regaining their sovereignty and liberty back


How did Confucian and traditional ideas reinforce women's limited freedom? 

- Women had little education, employment, and no political opportunities or participation. 

- Were restricted to the house or forced into prostitution if they were unhealthy.