Policy in which a stronger nation seeks to dominate other countries.
What is Imperialism?
An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges.
What is the Sphere of Influence?
People who convert africans to christianity and civilize.
What are Christian Missionaries?
Battled over land in 1800's called the Zulu wars.
What did the zulus and Boers battle for?
- Racism - People died in resistance movements - New diseases - small pox - Land taken away - Lost self-determination - Arbitrary (random) boundaries - United tribes - Separated tribes - Assimilation - when the colonized forced to give pup their culture and taken on other religions (loose cultural diversity) - Cash crops = Famine
What are the cons of imperialism?
Industrial Revolution: New weapons, new technology, meds Nationalism: Pride and loyalty in your country, competition between countries Christian Missionaries: Convert africans to Christianity, civilize Economic Competition/motives: Produce of raw materials, consumer (didn't work) of raw material Ethnocentrism/social Darwinism/racism: Charles Darwin
What are the five types of Imperialism in Africa and what did they give?
Policy that states that European governed the people in parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them rights.
What is Paternalism?
An increase in production brought about by machines and new energy sources. Brought new weapons, new technology, and meds.
What is the Industrial Revolution and what did it bring?
- British, became Prime Minister of Cape Colony - Founded the De Beers Mining Company - Controlled 90%of diamond mining - Cape to cairo railroad - master plan
Who was Cecil Rose?
Ethnocentrism - Charles Darwin
What is Social Darwinism and Racism?
(Company taking over) An independent but less developed country controlled by private business interest rather than other governments.
What is Economic Imperialism
A policy that was based in the idea of local population that would adopt French culture and become like the French.
What is Assimilation?
- 1884-1885, Berlin Germany - To prevent fighting, 14 Euro nations met to lay down rules for division of Africa - Agreed to claim land by: notifying other Euro countries, and showing control over area
What is the Berlin Conference?
The Berlin Conference
What started the Scramble for Africa?
Pride and loyalty in your country and competition between countries.
What is Nationalism?
(direct control) (Extreme form) A country or a territory governed by a foreign power.
What is a Colony?
- local government officials used - limited self-rule - Goal: to develop future leaders - Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules
What is Indirect Control?
A leader who created militarized state.
Who was Shaka Lulu?
- The Industrial Revolution (relates to natural resources) - Economic Competition (relates to natural resources) - Nationalism - Social Darwinism and Racism - Missionaries
What are the causes for the Scramble of Africa?
Producer of raw materials and the consumer of raw materials .
What is Economic Competition/motives?
(Indirect control) A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power.
What is a Protectorate?
- Foreign officials brought into rule - No self-rule - Goal: Assimilation - Government institution are based only on European styles
What is Direct Control?
- Gold and diamonds discovered, outsiders rush in - British annex (to take) Boers land - Boers resist - 2nd Boer War in 1899 - Boers - raid and guerrilla tactics - sneak attack - British - scorched (set fire (in this case to the land) earth, concentrate camps for women, children - British won - 1902, Boer republics - (Orange Free State and Transvaal) joined with bruiting South Africa.
What was the Boer War?
- Industrialized new technology - Natural recourse - More Education, sanitation, health care, new governments, and economy - Tribal warfare decreased - New trading routes
What are the pros of imperialism in Africa?
The fight for colonizing parts of Africa.
What is the Scramble for Africa?