Causes of Imperialism
Annexation of Hawaii
The Spanish-American War
The Open Door Policy
Foreign Policies of the Presidents
The name of the poem that told Americans to imperialism because it is our moral obligation to go out and civilize the world.
What is the White Man's Burden.
One reason for why the US wants to annex Hawaii.
What is sugarcane, naval bases, closer to Asia....
The explosion of this ship marked the start of US entry into the war.
What is the USS Maine ("Remember the Maine!").
List three different countries that had a sphere of influence in China.
What is the US, Germany, Russia, France, England.
The name of Taft's foreign policy.
What is dollar diplomacy.
Imperialism is the ___________, social, or political domination of one country by another.
What is economic.
This president during the annexation crisis is FOR annexing Hawaii.
What is McKinley.
One of the problems the Americans encountered during the Spanish-American War.
What is heavy uniforms, poor medical care, racial conflict...
The Boxers target this group in China to attack.
What is foreign devils, Christian missionaries, and foreign sympathizers.
Roosevelt's Corollary was based on this previous foreign policy regarding Latin America.
What is the Monroe Doctrine.
Explain the role social Darwinism plays in America's motivation to colonize.
What is Americans believe they have the better culture and are superior to other countries and we should go out and spread our culture.
When the exemption on the import tax of Hawaiian sugarcane is about to end, the US government demands this from Hawaii to continue the exemption.
What is a permanent US naval base on Hawaii.
Yellow journalism portrayed the Spanish as _____________.
What is oppressors of the Cubans.
This is the full name of the Boxers.
What is the Society for the Righteous and Harmonious Fists.
Explain Roosevelt's adoption of "speak softly and carry a big stick."
What is use diplomacy but back it up with military force.
Explain how imperialism helps build up America's military strength.
What is America gets new naval bases, soldiers, and resources.
When Hawaii becomes a US territory, what position does Stanford Dole get?
What is governor.
McKinley faces pressure from Congress to declare war because of jingoism. Define jingoism.
What is aggressive nationalism.
The outcome/significance of the Boxer Rebellion.
What is US and European countries station troops in China.
This is why Wilson wants to spread democracy in Latin America.
What is it will promote stability and prosperity.
The type of foreign policy that America has prior to 1890.
What is isolationism.
The name of Liliuokalani's brother who steps down and allows her to become queen.
What is King Kalakaua.
This individual calls the Spanish-American War a "splendid little war."
What is Secretary of State, John Hay.
This is the title of the queen of China during the Boxer Rebellion.
What is Empress Dowager.
The name of the Mexican dictator that Wilson wants to overthrown during the Mexican Revolution.
What is Victoriano Huerta.