Basic car maintenance
Safety on the road
Money safety
Cooking tips
Cleaning basics

These car parts should be replaced before the rainy season every year and are extra important in the PNW

What are winsheild wipers


When driving and emergency lights appear in your rear view mirror there is a specific action that you're supposed to take

What is immidiatley pull over to the right 


The amount of people that should have acess to your bank information 

What is only you 


In food preparation this dangerous method of using a kinfe to cut both raw meat and vegtables can make you sick

What is cross contamination


The consistency with which bedding should be washed

What is every week/ once a week?


A car with this feature is best for offroading and in the snow

What is 4x4 and/or all wheel drive


It is the rule that allows the car that arrived first at a four way stop sign, to go first

What is the right of way


Minimum age to get a credit card

What is 18


Should be washed before consumption or used in cooking

What is produce, rice, chicken, seafood


After using the bathroom you should always wash your hands for this amount of time as recomended by the CDC to kill any germs

What is at least 20 seconds


A heavy keychain can damage this part of your car

What is the starter (over 1,000$ every time it breaks)


Even if they do not have a crosswalk, drivers must always yeild to these non motorists

What are pedestrians


The borrowing fee for taking out a loan

What is interest


Kitchen cookware staples

What are knives, eating utensils, plates/bowls, saucepan, rice cooker, stock pot/dutch oven, baking sheet, cups


The spaces where all purpose household cleaners (like lysol, pine sol, and fabuloso) are safe to use

What are floors, countertops, bathrooms, showers, tabletops, and 


This liquid must be changed every 6 moths or 5,000-15,000 miles depending on the car

What is the engine oil


When in the passengers seat this safety precaution is the reason you should never put your feet on the dashboard

What is the airbag


Safest types of institutions to bank with (in terms of insurance and accessing your capital) 

Small credit unions 


Important kitchen food staples

What are fats (oil, butter, crisco), herbs/spices, tea/coffee, grains, fresh produce, flour, sweetener, legumes, shelf stable goods


When doing laundry this method of washing clothes should be reserved for delicate clothing

What is hand washing


When changing the engine oil of a car you must also replace this item

What is the oil filter


Two solid yellow lines on the road mean that you should not perform this action

What is passing


Method for saving money and managing spending

What is budgeting 

In the case of a power outage the fridge can keep food safe for this period of time

What is 4 hours 


When cleaning blood out of clothes or bedding the water should always be this specific temperature so that it does not stain

What is cold water