missionary or apostle
who is saint patrick
Holy Places, Often the church building or alters
what is shrines
Division of a group into opposing sections; separation of a church or religous body into two or more branches due to difference
what is schism
Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuits.
a formal statement of core Christian beliefs that came out of the council of Nicea.
What Is The Nicene Creed
Anglican preacher and hymn writer
who is charles wesley
The place in which a religious community, especially monks live
what is monastery
the first two of the christian councils that met in Nicaea, in what is now turkey
what is council of nicea
William Tyndale completes his translation of the Bible into English.
changed beliefs; a person who has changed beliefs or opinions.
What Is Convert
German reformer who led the protestant Reformation
who is martin Luther.
The palace and official residence of the pope in rome.
what is vatican
The life of the church. Baptism of Christ Baptism of Christ, fresco by Masolino, completed 1435; in the Baptistery, Castiglione Olona, Italy
what is the baptism of Christ.
Act of Supremacy passed - Henry VIII becomes supreme head of the English church
created: born of parents
What Is Begotten
English evangelist, originally an Anglican Preacher, and founder of the methodist movement
who is John Wesley
The christian church of egypt which became a separate church in 451 C.E
what is coptic church
The 16th century movement to reform the roman catholic church that resulted in the establishment of the protestant churchs
what is reformation
David becomes king of Israel, making Jerusalem his capital
c.1010 BC
In this context, branches of the Christian church, especially those within the large branch known as the protestant. The other two large branches are the Roman Catholic and eastern Orthodox
What Is Denominations
Constantine the Great: The Roman Emperor who reunited the eastern and western halves of the empire and who legalized and supported Christianity.
who is Emperor Constantine I
According to roman catholic belief, The state or place for roman catholics who die in the grace of God, but still have faults to be cleansed before they can enter heaven
What is purgatory
The change from an agricultural to an industrial society, especially in England from about the mid-eighteenth century to the mid nineteenth century; the Revolution led to much social and economic unheaval.
what is industrial Revolutions
Calling of Abraham - the Father of the Jewish nation
c.2100 BC
95 subjects for debate that Martin Luther posted in Wittenberg in 1517. The theses attacked the practice of selling letters of indulgence, the negative effects of the indulgences on Christian charity and true salvation, and much more. This eventually led to the Reformation.
What Is Ninety-five theses