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Which answer correctly describes the meaning of "insidious"?

a) Something harmful, arriving quickly and bluntly, at any moment

b) Something proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmfull effects

b) Something proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmfull effects

Example: He experienced the insidious influence of the corporate culture 


What is this called?

A Magic Wand


Change the following adjectives to nouns:

Strong. Skilled. Fearless.

Strenght. Skill. Fearlesness


"Smoldering intensity" is an intensity that is smoldering. That smolders. 

What does "smolder" mean?

Something that burns without flames.

  • After we extinguished the bonfire, it continued to smolder for a long time.
  • We knew that the log would only char and smolder and that it would not burst into flames.
  • Grandma's dark coal eyes smolder with anguish and frustration when she tells the stories of her families suffering

Read the following: "He heard a loud crack from the bushes nearby. He immediately stopped". 

What is a common expression we could use in this situation?

He stopped dead in his tracks. 

1. To stop at the exact spot where one is and hold motionless 

2. To cause one to stop in such a manner. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "stop" and "(dead) in."The sound of Samantha's angelic voice on the radio stopped me dead in my tracks.

3. To cease progressing or performing completely and very abruptly.The talk show host, who was right in the middle of his opening monologue, stopped dead in his tracks when an audience member stumbled out onto the stage.The economy stopped dead in its tracks as a result of the global pandemic.  


Impending means: 

an event regarded as threatening or significant about to happen; forthcoming.

"the author had returned to his country ahead of the impending war"

Is the following sentence correct?

"it seemed certain that some great trial of strength impended between the opponents"

Yes. "to impend" is being used as a verb in the second example, whereas the first is an adjective. 


Doom means...:

noun: death, destruction, or some other terrible fate.

"the aircraft was sent crashing to its doom in the water"

Verb: condemn to certain destruction or death.

"fuel was spilling out of the damaged wing and the aircraft was doomed"

Give another example of the word "doom" as a verb. 

      I'm doomed man, I didn't study for the exam. 

  • I don't dispute the cliché, "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it."
  • He knew without looking the remaining guards were doomed or dead.
  • She was doomed to fall for men unable to commit to her!


Verb: anticipate with great apprehension or fear.

"Jane was dreading the party"

Noun: great fear or apprehension.

"the thought of returning to New Jersey filled her with dread"

What is the adjective form of "dread". Create a sentence using it. 

  • They told us the dreadful news.
  • The film was dreadful - all spooks and vampires.
  • He told me a dreadful story.
  • It's dreadful the way they treat their staff.

As nouns the difference between fraud and phony is that fraud is any act of deception carried out for the purpose of unfair, undeserved and/or unlawful gain while phony is a person who assumes an identity or quality other than their own. 

Give examples of both


The word "treat" has different meanings. 

verb: to behave toward or deal with in a certain way. "she had been brutally treated"

give medical care or attention to; try to heal or cure. "the two were treated for cuts and bruises"

In the reading, "treat" is a noun. What does it mean?

an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure.

"he wanted to take her to the movies as a treat"

"My dogs behaved so well, i'm going to give them a treat"


In the reading, the Dr. says the following: 

"an inability to realistically assess your competence and your skills"

What does assess mean?

evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

"the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues"


To berate means to scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

"his mother came out and berated me for raising my voice"

is "reprimand" a good word to use similarly?



In your own words, explain the expression "to fall short"

fail to meet an expectation or standard.

"the total vote fell short of the required two-thirds majority"


The reading mentions the following expression: "to set the stage". What does it mean? Can you give an example?

 to make it possible for something else to happen 

create conditions in which something can happen.

ex: The wine, the candlelight and the movie set the stage for the perfect date.