Report Writing
Code of Conduct
Boundaries and Trauma Informed Care

The website to access Mercury.


The office you call to dispose of the bodily fluid/hazardous material bucket.

What is the Office of Safety and Risk Management?


Your underage resident walks in stumbling and smells of alcohol. While talking to them, you notice they're slurring their speech and they tell you they had a few drinks. What report would you write?

What is a conduct report?


The other set of of guidelines residents should adhere by (other than the Student Code of Conduct). 

What is the Residential Living Guidelines?


Your resident tells you they are not much of a hugger and would prefer to greet with a handshake. What boundary are they exercising?

What is physical boundary?


What RCR stands for.

What is Room Condition Report?


This is where you can find the equipment needed to clean up throw up.

What is the RA office?


The 4 different categories we should address when writing a report.

What is who, what, when, where?


True or false: The Student Code of Conduct applies to guests visiting the residence halls.

What is false?


True or false: Ghosting, blocking, or ignoring someone is a great way of setting boundaries.

What is false?


How much we charge for a re-key now.

What is $105? (or $210 for suite rooms)


One of the two locations you can dump the water from the WetVac.

What is the shower drain? OR What is the drain in the housekeeping closet?


True or false: you can attach live photos when you create a report. 

What is false? (live photos are not a supported format)


Which of these items is prohibited inside the residence halls: Glade plug-in, air fryer, water bed.

What is all of them?


True or false: You can set internal boundaries for yourself. 

What is true?


The two ways you can search for a resident.

What is their 920# or their first/last name?


How you access the housekeeping closets.

What is the master key?


You are going on rounds and notice a resident crying the study room. You talk to them and they tell you that their ex-partner has been bombarding them with text messages and following them to class after they said they wanted to be left alone. What report would you write?

What is a Title IX report?


The name of the system we use for conduct (and other departments).

What is Maxient?


Name one of the 7 boundaries.

What is time/material/conversational/mental/emotional/internal/physical?

What the "Bed Space Config" tab is used for.
What is to create a check-out/check-in RCR? (or a health and safety report)

The name of the housekeeping supervisor in our area.

Who is Phyllis?


You are doing CATch Ups with your resident and they tell you that their roommate has been leaving notes with slurs and derogatory terms on their side of the room. What report would you write?

What is a bias report?


What the Office of Student Conduct was previously named.

What is the Department of Student Community Ethics?


Name one of the principles of trauma informed care.

What is safety/choice/trustworthiness/collaboration/empowerment/cultural, historical, and gender contexts?